Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Staying Young

One of the reasons exercise is important to me is so that I can stay trim and strong enough to keep up with my kids.  That's for right now - the bonus will be that hopefully I'll still be able to still keep up with them and their kids too in another 40 years.  40 years from now will put me at 76 years old.  A friend from high school who I played soccer with posted these pictures of her parent's, 73 and 75, hiking Rattlesnake Gulch with her through Ashdown Gorge - that's a 10 mile hike!  

That's gonna be me, baby!  Staying young to me means being able to move your body in the ways your brain tells it to, so keep those muscles strong and stretched and your joints moving, don't get stiff, stay young and limber.  

I'm going to go do some yoga now ~ :)


  1. Yep, that's my motto too - to stay healthy and strong as I get older.

    1. Excellent! Thanks for stopping by my blog, excited to follow yours too!
