Monday, March 28, 2022

Mar 28 - Apr 2 (30 weeks)

Monday - weight yesterday 167.2, yay, .2 oz LESS than last week! Wed last week I was starting to panic cause I was 4 lbs up, so I'm glad I worked to keep my mind calm and was able to not over eat over the weekend. Dr. appt today, all is well with the baby. Did one handstand today

Tuesday - 2 Wonderful stretches then some more, total 23 minutes of stretching

Wednesday - Gym at 6:45 tonight while Mel watched the kids outside at the park LAT 12x95, 10x105, 8x115, 6x125 good, 12x115 hard, LEG PRESS 12x140, 10x150, 8x170, 6x180, 6x200 not hard, 12x190 TRICEPS on Hoist12x70, 10x80, 8x90, 6x100, 12x90 woo, LEG EXTENSIONS 12x85, 12x105, 8x125, 6x145, 12x130 good burn CHEST 13x55, 10x60, 8x70 stretch, 6x80 good & doable, 12x70 hard and good

Thursday - nothing

Friday - 2 wonderful stretches

Saturday - 3 hours of raking, one handstand

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Mar 21 - 26 (29 weeks)

Monday - 29 weeks yesterday. Weight yesterday morning 167.4. Today did one handstand. 

Tuesday - 1 Wonderful flows. I entered pregnancy weights in a baby weight spreadsheet, trying to stay calm and patient: calm about the weight gain and patient for the weeks to pass. Later at 6pm - LEG EXTENSIONS 14x80 burn, 12x90, 8x100, stretch, 6x110, 6x120, 6x130 shake it out, 12x120 woo CHEST 14x55, 10x60, 8x70, 6x80 good & doable, 12x70 hard and good LAT 12x95, 10x105, 8x115, 6x125, 12x115, CALVES 20x body+25, 20xbody+25

Wednesday - Gym after taking Lily to jazz band TRICEPS 12x70, 10x80, 8x90 hard, 6x100, 12x90 woo accidentally started 10 lbs more than last time. BICEPS bar curl - 12x1/20, 10x1/30, 8x1/30, 6/1x30, 12x1x30 LEG PRESS 12x120, 10x140, 8x160, 6x180, 12x170 TREADMILL walk 15 minutes

Thursday - one handstand

Friday - nothing. I'm pregnant if you didn't know that. I took two pictures of myself today. I thought they were a good visual lesson. Picture 1:

Picture 2:
Lesson: Perspective matters. A lot of coping with the realities of life comes from our own perspective. 

Saturday - LEG EXTENSIONS 12x85 burn, 10x105, 8x125, stretch, 6x135, 12x125 good. LAT 12x95, 10x105, 8x115, 6x125 good, 12x115 CHEST 13x55, 10x60, 8x70, 6x80 good & doable, 12x70 hard and good CALVES 100 calf raises, 20 at a time, with 1x35 weight. Leg stretch at track, then... a 50 minute bike ride with Mel at Porter Rockwell Trail and Rush Skills Trail. IT WAS SO FUN! I love mountain biking

Friday, March 18, 2022

Mar 14 - 19 (28 weeks)

Monday - 28 weeks, weight yesterday 166.8. Today did 2 wonderful flows

Tuesday - nothing

Wednesday - 1 handstand at 5pm, 1 at 10pm, one upper body group before picking up Sophi from soccer: LAT 16x90, 12x100, 9x110, 7x120, 13x110, 2 Wonderful stretches

Thursday - CHEST 12x55, 11x60, 8x70, 6x80 good and doable, 12x70 hard and good, LEG EXTENTIONS 12x80 burn, 10x85, 8x90, 8x100, 12x95 woo TRICEPS 12x60, 10x70, 8x80, 6x90, 12x80 Done at 7:38 am

Friday - one handstand

Saturday - LAT 12x95, 10x105, 8x115, 6x125, 12x115 hard! Increased each set by 5lbs from last time, good TCHEST at .05 on the latch gives a good chest stretch, 12x55, 10x60, 8x70 hard with the wider stretch, 6x80 moved back to latch 1, woo, good 12x70 hard, had to pause on last few LEG EXTENTIONS 12x80 burn, 10x85, 8x90, 8x100, 6x100, 6x110, 12x100 woo, HAMSTRINGS - 20 static lunges each leg, stretch

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Mar 7 - 12 (27 weeks)

Monday - 27 weeks yesterday, weight yesterday morning 164. Today did 2 wonderful flows

Tuesday - nothing

Wednesday - shoveling snow

Thursday - wonderful flows

Friday - jr high kids didn't have school, so was able to go to the gym with Corey and Mel at 7 and Abi got the kids off to elementary school LAT 12x90, 10x100, 8x110, 6x120 felt heavy but did it, 12x110  TRICEPS 12x60, 10x70, 8x80, 6x90, 12x80 CHEST 12x50, 10x55, 8x60, 6x65, 6x70, 7x75, 12x70 increased weight 10 lbs from last week! Stretching with Mel - did 2 one minute planks, runners lunge

Saturday - 2 Wonderful flows, Skiing at Snowbird