Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dance Walking

Abi wanted to do some ballet this morning, so we did that for my workout today - ballet stretching and the yoga morning routine.  And speaking of dancing, I saw this on facebook and am going to start doing it in the mornings, once the snow is gone.
Doesn't that look fun?  I won't be walking around the city, just the neighborhood.  And I might freeze up if people walk or drive by, cause I think I'll feel a little shy (embarrassed?), but maybe I can also use this to try to conquer some of that shyness. Why should I be embarrassed anyway?

1 comment:

  1. I'm assuming that took place in NYC, and it seems that you can pretty much do anything and people will just let you carry on your way. If you have some good songs, why not just let loose? Even more fun to do it with others, but how do you listen to the same songs/beat so you're dancing in the same rhythm? Just a thought...
