Monday - Bouldering at 6am, did 25, then a 2:30 walk pushing K in stroller, 2.1 miles
Boring blog where I log my workouts for myself, with some self inspiration and motivation now and then too.
Monday, March 10, 2025
Mar 10 - 15
Monday, March 3, 2025
Mar 3 - 8
Monday - 45 min of Bouldering at Ft. Union, pretty lacking energy since I'm on hour 36 of fasting, but still pretty good, did 22 - 13 sends, 9 attempts:
- Light wall - V0 Turquoise
- V2 green
- V2 pink
- V3 green attempt
- V4 turquoise attempt
- V1 hot pink got it and didn’t cheat!
- V2 gold Got It!! 2nd time
- V2 green attempt
- V2 green attempt cheated w/pink V3
- Yellow V1
- Purple V3 attempt
- Green V2 attempt
- Lime V0
- Then Cave - V0 Purple
- V3 Red attempt
- Pink V3 did it!!
- Then West Wall - South Red V2
- Yellow V4 attempt
- Purple V1
- Purple V2 attempt I’m too tired
- Pink V1
- Purple V0
Monday, February 24, 2025
Feb 24 - Mar 1
Monday - Woke up on my own before my alarm, yay! so I went bouldering at Millcreek, Did 30 - 18 sends and 12 attempts. Found my old fitbit, got 10K steps today, took K on a walk in stroller for 50 min, 2.4 miles, plus 30 min stretching. Did an hour stretching yesterday too. I've been doing good with stretching since last Wed when I started to do it when I read.
- South wall - White 5.10d one rest one fall
- South wall - White 5.10b got it
- South wall - Pink 5.10b got it
- South wall - Black 5.10a one rest
- East wall - SE yellow 5.10b one rest
- East wall - red 5.10d prob 5 cheats and 5 breaks
- East wall - Yellow 5.10b impossible I hate it I bailed onto pink/purple
- East wall - Blue 5.10d volcano
- NE corner green 5.10c
Monday, February 17, 2025
Feb 17 - 22
Monday - Bouldering at Ft Union momentum with Melodie and Christian!
6 top rope then a few boulders:
- South center Black 5.10c got it all! And with no rest/breaks!
- North center Blue 5.11a volcano w/ orange5.9 decent effort
- NE corner Green 5.10c
- East wall Blue 5.10d volcano right away, got it!
- Blue 5.10c woo
- Yellow 5.10a good
- Bouldering on light wall: purple V0
- Green V3 attempt
- Cave purple v0
- Pink V3
- Purple V1 in new area on west wall
Tuesday - 2.89 mile morning walk, 5880 steps, 50 minutes
- Center Boulder - NW Purple 5.10b
- Center Boulder - N red 5.10a
- Center Boulder - NE Green 5.10c
- Center Boulder - East Pink 5.10d w/ purple 5.9
- Center Boulder - SE black 5.10c
- South wall - pink 5.10b
- Center Boulder - East red 5.10d impossible, I hate it
- Center Boulder - Blue 5.10d volcano
Monday, February 10, 2025
Feb 10 - 15
Monday - Bouldering this morning, 30 climbs (17 sends, 13 attempts):
- NE center Putple V0
- NE center Blue V2 2 attempts
- Purple V2 attempt
- Yellow V0
- Green V0
- Pink V2 2attempts
- Purple V1
- Blue V1
- SE center Red V3
- SE center corner attempt Red V3
- S center Pink V2
- S center purple V1
- SW red V2 2 attempts
- Purple V1
- Green V0
- West center Red V1
- Purple V2 attempt
- Pink V2 attempt
- Green V3 attempt
- Green V3
- NW Corner Purple V0
- Green V1 4x
- West wall purple V1 I finally got it! This is an awkward one that's been eluding me
- Cave Pink V3 yes…
- (Light wall) V0 Turquoise light
- V2 green light
- V2 pink light
- V3 green attempt
- V4 turquoise attempt
- V1 hot pink got it but cheated
- V2 gold Got It!! 1st time
- V2 green attempt
- V2 green chatted w/ pink V3
- (Then Cave -) V0 Purple
- V3 Red attempt
- Pink V3 did it!!
- (Then West Wall - South, they had all new routes, so it’s crowded) Red V2
- Yellow V4 attempt
- Purple V1
- Purple V0
- Pink V1
- (Center Boulder - west side) Green V0
- Purple V1
- Red V2
- Purple V0
- Green V1 2x
- (West Wall - North to south) Purple V0
- Yellow V1
- Purple V0
- Orange V3 attempt (got it last time)
- (Center Boulder east) V0 purple
- Green V2 attempt
- Blue V2 attempt
- Yellow V0
- South wall - Black 5.10 a cheated 1x
- South wall - White 5.10b got it
- South wall - Green 5.10 c sw side, that was brutal
- South wall - Orange 5.9 d had to rest
- South wall - Blue 5.11a/yellow 5.7
- East wall center - Blue 5.10d volcano
- East wall center - Corner Green 5.10c
- East wall center - Black 5.10c SE corner
Monday, February 3, 2025
Feb 3 - 8
Monday - Bouldering at Millcreek at 6am. Spent most of my time in the OG sector, a little on the south boulder. Did 24 total:
- 1 V4 - attempt on a blue
- 2 V3 attempts: Blue and Yellow
- 1 V3 - was able to do the red V3 on south boulder at the end of my session!
- 6 V2 attempts: purple, green, yellow, lavender, purple, yellow
- 5 V2 sends: purple, white, red, red, purple
- 4 V1s
- 5V0s
- Black 5.10a
- Blue 5.10b
- Yellow 5.10c
- Red 5.10b
- Green 5.10a
- Yellow 5.10a
- Orange 5.10c in corner, way hard!
- Light wall: V0 Turquoise light
- V2 green light
- V2 pink light
- V3 green 2attempts (I think I got further? On my 2nd attempt got to 2nd to last hold)
- V4 turquoise attempt
- V1 hot pink attempt
- V2 gold attempt dang! Hard
- Then to the Cave: V0 Purple
- V3 did it!!
- Then West Wall South: Purple V1 attempt 2x
- Purple V0 send
- Pink V2 attempt
- Center Boulder - southwest side: Green V0
- Purple V1
- Red V2 GOT IT! last time was just attempt
- Purple V2 attempt - that’s a weird one
- Purple V0
- Green V1 2x
- West Wall - North to south: Purple V0
- Yellow V1
- Purple V0
- Orange V3 Got it!! Woo
- Yellow V3 attempt needed to go 3 more
- Green V1
- Pink V0
- Purple V0
- Black V2 really big and weird but I got it! (The Blue V1 volcano one is gone)
- Pink V2 attempt couldn’t reach
- Blue V3 got it! = 32 total
- Southeast Center Boulder: Red V3 attempt
- Green V3 attempt
- Center Boulder - north: Green V3 attempt
- East wall Yellow 5.10a
- NE corner Green 5.10c
- NW corner Orange 5.10d/Blue 5.11a combo
- South wall pink 5.10b
- NE corner Orange 5.9
- East wall Blue 5.10c
- East wall Red 5.10d
- East wall Blue 5.10d volcano
- Southeast corner Black 5.10c
Monday, January 27, 2025
Jan 27 - Feb 1
Monday - 40 handstands
- Pink 5.10a
- Yellow 5.10d
- People 5.9
- Pink 5.11a cheated with purple 5.9
- People 5.10b north side
- Black 5.10d
- Green 5.10c west wall north corner
- Black 5.10a
- Pink 5.10b should be D used yellow 5.10c too hello
- Blue 5.11a w help of red 5.9 and pink and yellow
- Yellow 5.10a
- Blue 5.10c
- Blue 5.10a
- Green 5.10a
- Orange 5.10c I thought we had tried this one before but I can't find record of it. I thought that last time I went up a little bit, it was too hard, so then I moved left and did the blue 5.8 right next to it. This was our last route today, Corey took lots of breaks. I had lots of time to rest so maybe that's why I was able to get it! I surprised myself! I had to yell and breathe heavy but I was able to do all of it, even get over the buttress! Corey gave me bones, he was impressed too! Then we were done, but he went to the bathroom and since I was feeling confident I tried the red V3 boulder again and I got it!
- Red V3!
- Purple V1
Monday, January 20, 2025
Jan 20 - 25
Monday - Climbing with Corey 9:30 - 11:20, we did 8 top rope:
- Orange 5.9 (hard, I think should be a 5.10c)
- Yellow 5.10d impossible (cheated with purple 5.9)
- Red 5.10d some cheats and rests
- Blue 5.10d pretty good! I looked that one better than the red
- Green 5.10c i like this one
- Blue 5.10c and this one
- CT Black 5.10c this one was challenging but good, try fresh next time
- then I went straight to a orange 5.8 right next to it
- Corey purple 5.9
- V0 purple
- V0 purple
- V1 1 purple
- V2 hot pink
- V3 red pathetic attempt
- V3 pink got to top but has to use green too
- V3 pink got it!!!
- V1 Purple
- V0 green
- V0 purple
- Yellow v2
- Orange V1 cheated
- Red V2 attempt
- Green V3 attempt
- Blue V1 volcano woo! I did it!
- Yellow V3 attempt 2x
- People V0
- Green V0
- Yellow V1
- Black V1
- Green V3 attempt
- Yellow V2 attempt
- Purple V0 2x
- V0 Turquoise light
- V2 green light
- V2 pink light
- V3 green 2attempts
- V4 turquoise attempt
- V1 hot pink attempt
- V1 hot pink attempt 2x
- V2 gold attempt
- V0 Purple
- V3 did it!!
- Purple V1 attempt 2x
- Purple V0 send
- Pink V2 attempt
- Green V0
- Purple V1
- Red V2 attempt
- Purple V2 attempt
- Red V1
- Green V3 attempt
- Purple V1
- Blue V1 attempt (volcano one)
- Blue V1 send 2x (got it!)
- Green V0
- Green V2 attempt
- Lime V1
- Yellow V1
- Green V2 attempt I’m done
- Cave pink V3 got it again
Started at 10:20 am. I did 9, Corey 8. Corey went first each time:
- East top rope - Yellow 5.10a
- East top rope - Blue 5.10c
- East top rope - Red 5.10d
- East top rope - Pink 5.10c
- East top rope - Black 5.10c, then I did orange 5.8 right after while I was still tied in
- South wall - Black 5.10a
- East wall again - Yellow 5.10a
- East wall north corner - Green 5.10c
Monday, January 13, 2025
Jan 13 - 18
Monday - Bouldering from 6:25 - 7:00 am, did 18:
- 2 V3 attempts
- 4 V2 sends
- 6 V2 attempts
- 6 V1 sends
- 14 V0s
- 1 V0 attempt
- 10 V1s
- 3 V0 attempts
- 4 V2 sends
- 5 V2 attempts
- 4 V3 attempts
- 2 V4 attempts
Atonement = Hebrew: Kaphar = to Cover
The ground was covered in beautiful snow. Jesus covers me. <3 I should have brought hand warmers, it got super cold on the descent. Listening to Human by the Killers "my hands are cold..." haha. 11.17 miles in 1 hour 56 min.
- Purple 5.10b
- Blue 5.10c
- Black 5.10b
- Red 5.9
- Yellow 5.10d
- Green 5.10a (done this one before)
- White 5.10a (and this one)
- Blue 5.10a (and this)
- Green 5.10d with cheating
- Corey pink 5.8
- T green 5.10c
- T pink 5.8
- Corey black 5.10a
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Jan 6 - 11
Monday - Tried the trail. Lots of hikers and no bikers made the path very bumpy, plus it was narrow, so had to pedal hard and focus to stay on it.
Got past the 1st bridge to the coalpit. 7.08 miles in 1 hour 10 min. Made a snow angel on the way down.- 1 V4 attempt
- 4 V3 attempts
- 5 V2 sends
- 6 V2 attempts
- 5 V1 sends
- 3 V1 attempts
- 7 V0 sends
- 1 V0 attempt - the hard one, tried it again at the very end, couldn't do it
- yellow 5.10a
- green 5.10c - did it!
- red 5.10a red
- purple 5.10b - this one was crazy at the top
- black 5.10c - couldn’t do it
- Yellow 5.10b - had to cheat and rest
- Blue 5.10c good
- Yellow 5.11a - took a few breaks, was able to do some really hard parts!
- CT Yellow 5.10a
- CT Red 5.11a/purple 5.9
- T purple 5.9
- CT green 5.10c easy
- CT 5.10c black - hard, two rests but I did it!
- CT blue 5.10c easy
- CT black 5.10a one rest
- CT pink 5.10b
- CT 5.9 orange - felt really hard! Hopefully just cause we were both spent, palms were done. try at the beginning next time
- Purple V1