Monday, September 24, 2018

Sep 24 - 29 (23 weeks)

23 weeks - Eggplant
Monday - 23 weeks today. One more week and 2nd trimester is done, yeah, then just one more. The moon was almost full this morning, so pretty as it set in the west. I went outside to enjoy it for a bit as I walked, but I mostly jogged cause I had to get back and take Wes to school. 27 minute walk/run, 2.11 miles. Then took Wes, then home for my Wonderful Wonderful stretching routine - swan dive, warrior 1, warrior 2, reverse warrior, runners pose, kneeling hipflexor stretch, hamstring stretch. Do all that for one round of song on left leg, then repeat song and repeat all on right side. I love it, very therapeutic
Tuesday - 10 min stretching, 200 walking lunges around the neighborhood. I wanted to watch the full moon set so I drove up to the canyon and did 200 more walking lunges up there while I watched it, beautiful! So total of 400 walking lunges. If I'm super sore tomorrow then I'll know that I hadn't worked my way up enough and that last time (on Mon) it was 200 lunges and not 300
Wednesday - 2 wonderful wonderful stretches, then outside for a walk/jog, went 2.53 miles in 33 min. I'm not sore from the lunges yesterday, cool! Either the Melissa Ioja weekly workout I'm doing has been keeping me strong or it's all good stretching I do in the mornings.
Thursday - 2 x Wonderful Wonderful for stretches and warm up
The Man - shoulders - side and front raises and holds as long as I could, 2/5 lbs
Rut - triceps - lying hold above head at 90 degrees with 2/8 till half way through song, then arms straight with 2/5
Life to Come - chest - 2/8 laying with arms in a press pose, then switched to 2/5 with arms straight out in a T
Run for Cover - back - on tummy with pillows protecting my tummy, tried holding a T with 2/5, some alternates of one arm in a curl the other straight out to side
Tyson vs. Douglas - biceps, 2/8lb weights, laying on ground with arms straight down at side, some slight 90 degree curls
2x Some Kind of Love - chest stretches with spinal twist
Friday - None of the kids have school today, left at 8 am for a walk, 43 minutes, 2.54 miles
Saturday - 10:40 pm - modified Melissa Ioja lower body only workout - Mark set go -
  • 5x of jump lunge right, jump lunge left, jump squat = 1 
  • 20x Romanian Deadlifts 2/30
  • 100x of calf raise pulses 2/30
  • 15x of lower than parallel squats with 1/30 lb
  • 1 min center plank on hands
Rounds 1, 2, 5, 6 were over 4 min, 3 &4 were 3:52. I am totally sweating and dying, I hate this workout! But I did it, go me. I increased weight to 2/30 instead of 2/25 for the deadlifts and calf raises. I was going to do 7 rounds. but I'll say that increasing the weight was good enough for this week, maybe I'll do 7 rounds next Thurs. Going to go stretch, bathe, then to bed. Good night!

23 weeks with Owen in 2015
23 weeks with Daniel in 2016

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sep 17 - 22 (22 weeks)

22 Weeks - Papaya
Monday - 22 weeks today. 5 min warm up flow and 5 min on treadmill, then outside for walk/jog/lunges. Did 300 (or 200?) lunges, I lost count at 220 (120) - wasn't sure which 100s I was on. Did 10 min of straight jogging! Total time 61 minutes, 3.68 miles. Weight 156.6, 3.5 gain, not very happy with that, but I'm not surprised, that's what I get for eating junk.
Tuesday - 8 min walk outside, then stretching, then Body for Life upper body today, with reps of 12-10-8-6-12, then 12 reps of a different exercise. All weights were in dumbbells
Bicep curls - weight 10, 12, 15, 20, 15, hammer curls 15
Lying Triceps extensions - weight 10, 12, 15, 20, 15, chair dips w/no weight
Seated Shoulder Press - weight 10, 12, 15, 20, 15, side raises 8
Chest Flys on Ball - weight 10, 12, 15, 20, 15, lying chest press 15
Back Flys on Ball - weight 8, 10, 12, 15, 12, t ups/holds 5 lbs, did like 36 reps
Wednesday - 5 min stretching then did a treadmill run inside today - 5 min walk 5 min jog, went 2.44 miles in 31 min according to the treadmill, 2.48 in 34 min by the phone's recordings, pretty close. Stretching. Weighed myself this am, 157.8 first thing this morning. Have a dr appointment today, so I wanted to prepare myself for the bad weight gain news. It's been 6 weeks since my last appt, I've gained 10 lbs. Usually I gain most my weight in the 2nd trimester, then only 5 in the last, so hopefully that will be the case again. I might have to take all the kids with me this morning, and I bet it will be hard, thus I shall be pushing out my next appointment for as far away as possible cause of the difficulty it causes me to have to go to appointments, I don't like appointments. They've gathered enough stats on me with the past children, I don't want you to get my blood pressure and weight numbers, just average out all the other pregnancies and we'll call it good. Maybe I'll pretend we're going to Brazil and will be back at Christmas..
Thursday - 6:00 walk around the block, flow and stretching, then modified Melissa Ioja workout - all lower body thing - started at 6:55 with quite a few interruptions, 6 rounds of:
  • 5x of jump lunge right, jump lunge left, jump squat = 1 
  • 20x Romanian Deadlifts 2/25
  • 100x of calf raise pulses 2/25
  • 15x of lower than parallel squats with 1/30 lb
  • 1 min center plank on hands
I did 4 of the rounds in under 4 minutes, rounds 2 and 4 were 4:30, cause I kept getting interrupted by the drama of my slow teen that is slow to wake up and has no hustle button and makes his siblings late for school. Stretching.
Friday - Walk outside, nice and cool this morning. Started at 6:55 for 45 minutes, 2.69 miles. Stretching after I got back home.
Saturday - 7:55 am cranked it out, did upper body static holds
  • Wonderful Wonderful - warm up - flows and stretching warm up
  • The Man - shoulders - side and front raises and holds as long as I could, 2/5 lbs
  • Rut - triceps - lying hold above head with 2/5
  • Life to Come - chest - 2/8 laying with arms out and hold a T, with straight arm would bring them up in a chest fly when needed a break
  • Run for Cover - back - on tummy with pillows protecting my tummy, tried holding a T with 2/5, also would alternate one arm in a curl the other straight out to side
    Tyson vs. Douglas - biceps, 2/8lb weights, laying on ground with arms straight down at side, some slight 90 degree curls
8:22 now, gotta take Abi to soccer 

22 weeks with Owen 2015
22 weeks with Daniel 2016

Monday, September 10, 2018

Sep 10 - 15 (21 weeks)

21 Weeks - "As long as a carrot"
Monday - 21 weeks today. Went on a walk/jog outside at 6:05-6:38, set a timer for every 5 min to help me alternate walking and jogging for 6 rounds, then stretching at home before I took Wes to school. Weight 153.2, .4 gain, not bad considering we had two birthdays this past week and my vegan son and I enjoyed some cashew milk frozen desserts. Off to a good start for the week.
Tuesday - 6:00 walk around the block, did 100 walking lunges, stretching, then my modified Melissa Ioja workout - all lower body thing - started at 7, 6 rounds of:
  • 5x of jump lunge right, jump lunge left, jump squat = 1 
  • 20x Romanian Deadlifts 2/25
  • 15x of lower than parallel squats with 1/30 lb
  • 100x of calf raise pulses 2/25
  • 1 min center plank on hands
I did all 6 rounds in under 5 minutes! Finished at 7:40, woo! After round 5 I was like "ONE MORE>> you can do this!" It's nice that each exercise goes by quickly, thus making each round go by quickly. (well, except for the plank.) (...and the squats.) Feel good, very sweaty, going to stretch for 20 and then get the elementary kids off to school.
Wednesday - Morning walk/jog outside. I left a little later than I should have (6:24), so I didn't do my last 5 min jog cause it was too light at the end and I didn't want to draw attention to myself. According to the mileage and time recorded on my samsung health app, I went 2.38 miles in 36 minutes. Done at 7:01. Nice to be outside this morning. I still need to stretch tho - I had to take carpool right after I got home, so now I'm tight again, need to warm up and stretch, pretty tight after yesterday's workout
Thursday - Started with a quick 10 min walk outside for 10 min. Then inside for upper body static holds, didn't feel strong during the biceps, that might have affected me feeling weak for the rest of them too!
  • Wonderful Wonderful - warm up - flows and stretching warm up
  • The Man - biceps, 2/8lb weights (was 5 last week, this was harder!) laying on ground with arms straight down at side, some slight 90 degree curls
  • Rut - triceps - first 3 min of song with 2/8, then 2/5lbs for rest, hard, kinda awkward for my left shoulder. laying on ground arms straight above, some slight extension
  • Life to Come - chest - 2/8 laying with arms out at a T, with straight arm would bring them up in a chest fly, hard but doable
  • Run for Cover - back - on tummy with pillows protecting junior, tried holding a T with 2/5, also would alternate one arm in a curl the other straight out to side, did better (a little stronger) than last week I think
    Tyson vs. Douglas - shoulders - side and front raises and holds as long as I could, 2/5 lbs, my arms are pretty done though, so did some dumbbell swings and would hold until I couldn't, swing back, then hold again as long as could, did that for the last 90 sec of song. 
  • Some Kind of Love - stretching - 2 repeats of song, spinal twist like Zuzka shows on the left for one song, repeat on right. 
  • Rest of songs on album - stretching
Friday - 40 min walk/jog this morning outside, 5 min walk, 5 min jog. Went 2.88 miles
Saturday - I was supposed to do lower body today, but it was kinda crazy busy with homecoming the older kids and soccer and Jr. Symphony and life in general. I didn't workout other than walking at Abi's game, Costco, during other errands, and at a neighborhood gathering tonight. Health app says I went over 10,000 steps, abt 5 miles. I did do 15 min of intentional stretching, so I guess we'll call it good with that.

21 weeks with Owen in 2015
21 weeks with Daniel in 2016

Monday, September 3, 2018

Sep 3 - 8 (20 weeks)

20 Weeks - Artichoke
Monday - 20 weeks today. Happy Birthday Abi! Labor day, I didn't exercise this morning cause I went to the store to get Abi a few more b-day gifts. Weigh in was 152.8, 2 pound jump, I did feel a big increase in appetite this past week. Now it's 10:30 at night, Abi is exercising with me! Upper body static holds
  • Wonderful Wonderful - warm up - flows and stretching warm up
  • The Man - shoulders - side and front raises alternating, 2/8 lbs. Abi did 2/5
  • Rut - triceps - Laying on back, held both of my arms straight above my head holding 1/8, J didn't take any breaks! I held it the whole time as I sang "Don't you give up, don't you give up!" woo! Abi did 1/5
  • Life to Come - chest - 2/8 laying with arms out at a T, with straight arm would bring them up in a chest fly, Abi did 2/5
  • Run for Cover -biceps, 2/8lb weights, laying on ground with arms straight down, then sat up in an L and held them in a static bicep curl position. Abi 2/5
  • Tyson vs. Douglas - back - on tummy on exercise ball, tried holding a T with 2/5, some alternate one arms in a curl the other straight out to side, Abi 2/3s
  • Some Kind of Love, through Have All The Songs Been Written - lots of stretching - spinal twist and chest and arm stretches on ball
Tuesday - 30 min treadmill cardio at 6 am, 5 min walk/5 min jog listening to Wonderful Wonderful. 2.42 miles, then stretching
Wednesday - Modified the Melissa Ioja workout from the past few weeks so that it is an all lower body thing - 6:25 am -
  • 5x of jump lunge right, jump lunge left, jump squat = 1 
  • 20x Romanian Deadlifts 2/25
  • 15x of lower than parallel squats with 1/30 lb
  • 90x of calf raise pulses 2/30: switching toes forward, in, and out
  • 1 min center plank on hands
I did most rounds in a little over 5 minutes. Finished at 7:10. Woo, hope that doesn't make my legs too sore later today/tomorrow. Stretched until 7:40
Thursday - Happy Birthday Sophi! 6:10 am, usual treadmill cardio, went 2.5 miles, 5 walk/5 jog, in 32.15 min. I did not like the jogging today, but I did it the whole 5 min each time. Stretching
Friday - 6:15 am - feeling tight this morning. 30 toy soldiers, 10 min walk (.55 mile) stretching for 10 min, then a ZGYM workout - Upper Body and Abs Basics #3:
  • 1 min plank hold on hands
  • 2 assisted pull ups & 4 kneeling push ups > 5x
  • side plank hold with bottom leg knee tuck - 10x left, then 10x right
  • 3 hanging knee raises & kneeling push up to oplank reptile knee tuck left, knee tuck right > 4x
  • KB one arm press (but I don't have a kettlebell so used 20lb dummbell 2x left, 2x right > 4x
... and now I am sweaty. It's supposed to be a 12 min amrap, but I followed along with the video, where she does 1.5 rounds, so then I just finished that round after the video stopped.So 2 rounds, and I'm guessing it took me 20 min total.
Saturday - 9:53 pm, walk/jog outside around the block. 36 minutes. I walked a lap, jogged a lap for 6 laps. A few of my jogs became walks if a car was passing by, cause I feel stupid jogging pregnant in public, like I'm trying to be an overachiever or something, so I walked a few times when I should have been jogging. Nice to be outside though. Listened to this talk by Jeffrey McLellan, made me cry, really good. I'm giving a talk tomorrow in church about feeling God's love during trials.

20 Weeks with Owen in 2015
20 weeks with Daniel in 2016