23 weeks - Eggplant
Monday - 23 weeks today. One more week and 2nd trimester is done, yeah, then just one more. The moon was almost full this morning, so pretty as it set in the west. I went outside to enjoy it for a bit as I walked, but I mostly jogged cause I had to get back and take Wes to school. 27 minute walk/run, 2.11 miles. Then took Wes, then home for my Wonderful Wonderful stretching routine - swan dive, warrior 1, warrior 2, reverse warrior, runners pose, kneeling hipflexor stretch, hamstring stretch. Do all that for one round of song on left leg, then repeat song and repeat all on right side. I love it, very therapeuticTuesday - 10 min stretching, 200 walking lunges around the neighborhood. I wanted to watch the full moon set so I drove up to the canyon and did 200 more walking lunges up there while I watched it, beautiful! So total of 400 walking lunges. If I'm super sore tomorrow then I'll know that I hadn't worked my way up enough and that last time (on Mon) it was 200 lunges and not 300
Wednesday - 2 wonderful wonderful stretches, then outside for a walk/jog, went 2.53 miles in 33 min. I'm not sore from the lunges yesterday, cool! Either the Melissa Ioja weekly workout I'm doing has been keeping me strong or it's all good stretching I do in the mornings.
Thursday - 2 x Wonderful Wonderful for stretches and warm up
The Man - shoulders - side and front raises and holds as long as I could, 2/5 lbs
Rut - triceps - lying hold above head at 90 degrees with 2/8 till half way through song, then arms straight with 2/5
Life to Come - chest - 2/8 laying with arms in a press pose, then switched to 2/5 with arms straight out in a T
Run for Cover - back - on tummy with pillows protecting my tummy, tried holding a T with 2/5, some alternates of one arm in a curl the other straight out to side
Tyson vs. Douglas - biceps, 2/8lb weights, laying on ground with arms straight down at side, some slight 90 degree curls
2x Some Kind of Love - chest stretches with spinal twist
Friday - None of the kids have school today, left at 8 am for a walk, 43 minutes, 2.54 miles
Saturday - 10:40 pm - modified Melissa Ioja lower body only workout - Mark set go -
- 5x of jump lunge right, jump lunge left, jump squat = 1
- 20x Romanian Deadlifts 2/30
- 100x of calf raise pulses 2/30
- 15x of lower than parallel squats with 1/30 lb
- 1 min center plank on hands
23 weeks with Owen in 2015
23 weeks with Daniel in 2016