Monday, August 27, 2018

Aug 27 - Sep 1 (19 weeks)

19 Weeks
Monday - 19 Weeks today. I finally felt a little kick last night from this little person. Killers Treadmill workout this morning - started at 6:15 with a warm up to Wonderful Wonderful with two 1 min hand center planks, walk to The Man, then skip to Tyson vs. Douglas for a full jog, then to Life to Come for walk and 1 sprint, then 2 sprints and walking during Run for Cover, another walk in Rut, one more sprint during the intro to Run for Cover again, stretching during Some Kind of Love. I think my whole family is sick of this album but I still love it. Done in 24:30, yeah. Then took Wes to school. Weight 150.6
Tuesday - Upper body static holds
  • Wonderful Wonderful - warm up - flows and stretching warm up
  • The Man - shoulders - side and front raises alternating, 2/8 lbs, usually end with shoulders so I thought I'd start this week. 
  • Rut - triceps - Laying on back, held both of my arms above my head holding 1/8, did this hold the hold time with brief breaks. My left shoulder was being weird again, but finally got it in a good spot, I needed to really contract my muscles as I moved into the hold and then it worked/didn't pop or feel weird.
  • Life to Come - chest - 2/8 laying with arms out at a T, with straight arm would bring them up in a chest fly, hard but doable
  • Run for Cover -biceps, 2/8lb weights, laying on ground with arms out in T, some straight arm flys up. 
  • Tyson vs. Douglas - back - on tummy on exercise ball, tried holding a T with 2/5, some alternate one arms in a curl the other straight out to side
  • Some Kind of Love - stretching - two repeats of song doing spinal twist like Zuzka shows and chest and arm stretches on ball
Ultrasound was today, we are having another boy!
Wednesday - 2 miles, 1.6 in 19:30, then paused to go make my 16 year old a lunch which slightly irritated me (he needs to learn to manage his time) and then finished off .4 in 3:50 then off to take carpool. Stretching after I got back home. Kinda napped a lot today, ate the left over junk food from yesterday's baby gender reveal (crunch bar and resees cups) I think that could be why I don't have a lot of energy, going to eat clean tomorrow.
Thursday - Started this Melissa Ioja workout at 6:35 that I did last week. Did 6 rounds again, each round consisted of:
  • 5x of jump lunge right, jump lunge left, jump squat = 1 
  • 5x of left shoulder press, right shoulder press, both shoulders press, shoulder side raise = 1
  • 15x of lower than parallel squats with 1/30 lb
  • 3x of 3 wide bicep curls, 3 standard curls, 3 hammer curls = 1 
  • 1 min center plank on hands
I did most rounds in abt 3 minutes. Did first 3 rounds with 2/15 dumbbells, the next 3 rounds with 2/12. Only did round 1 of plank for the full 60 seconds, all the other rounds I had to take a few second breaks during it, cause it's hard! Zuzka stretching like last week. I'm going in to get my blood drawn for the panorama genetic test thing today. Corey said it's the blessing/curse/price of living in a society with modern medicine.
Friday - Treadmill cardio - did 5 min walk, then 5 min jog, for 30 minutes. Went 2.3 miles, then stretching for 20 min.
Saturday - Temple this morning, it's past midnight now and just did 12 min of planks, center planks were on hands, did 2 min sets with a brief stretch in between. Goodnight

19 weeks with Owen in 2015
19 weeks with Daniel in 2016

Monday, August 20, 2018

Aug 20 - 25 (18 weeks)

18 Weeks
Monday - "sweet potato" size, but still haven't felt any strong movements from the baby. First day of school for the first 4 kids. Treadmill workout this morning - a little bit of walking but mostly jogging, yay. Did 2 miles in 24 minutes, really good! I did three 1 min sprints, and almost a fourth but that one was only 30 seconds. I was happy Owen didn't wake up crazy early this morning. Weight 149.4
Tuesday - Upper body static holds
Wonderful Wonderful - warm up - flows and stretching warm up
The Man - biceps, 2/8lb weights (was 5 last week, this was harder!) laying on ground with arms straight down at side, some slight 90 degree curls
Rut - triceps - first 3 min of song with 2/8, then 2/5lbs for rest, hard, kinda awkward for my left shoulder. laying on ground arms straight above, some slight extension
Life to Come - chest - 2/8 laying with arms out at a T, with straight arm would bring them up in a chest fly, hard but doable
Run for Cover - back - on tummy with pillows protecting junior, tried holding a T with 2/5, also would alternate one arm in a curl the other straight out to side, did better (a little stronger) than last week I think
Tyson vs. Douglas - shoulders - side and front raises and holds as long as I could, 2/5 lbs, my arms are pretty done though, so did some dumbbell swings and would hold until I couldn't, swing back, then hold again as long as could, did that for the last 90 sec of song. 
Some Kind of Love - stretching - spinal twist like Zuzka shows
Rest of the songs on the album - chest and arm stretches on ball, leg lifts, three 1 min center planks
Wednesday - 11:50 to go 1 mile on treadmill, then took Eth to school, back for another mile in 11:40 before getting jr. high kids off and waking up elementary kids - today was their first day. First day of back to reality for everyone! I'm proud I've been getting in my workouts in the a.m. Next week it will hopefully be easier.
Thursday - Daniel woke up at 4:30 this morning. Then after an hour of unsuccessfully trying to get him back to bed, I decided to just get up. Gave him some cereal and mopped the floor. Started this Melissa Ioja workout at 6:15 that I did June 15th, but just 6 rounds (since I remember that the first/last time when I did 10 rounds, I couldn't walk for a week...) Each round consisted of:
  • 5x of jump lunge right, jump lunge left, jump squat = 1 
  • 5x of left shoulder press, right shoulder press, both shoulders press, shoulder side raise = 1
  • 15x of lower than parallel squats with 1/30 lb
  • 3x of 3 wide bicep curls, 3 standard curls, 3 hammer curls = 1 
I did most of my rounds in about 3 minutes. Did 3 rounds with 2/15, then Zuzka's Legs like a Dancer #4 stretching again (started at 41:20 min), then 3 more rounds with 2/12. Finished a little after 7:08 am, might do more stretching upstairs if I can, need to get kids up. Tried to do a pull up hold/letdown, I could barely hold myself up for 10 seconds, doh! I'm going to try to work on that weekly again like I did in May.
Friday - Woke up at 5:30, Daniel woke up at 6, he had a nightmare apparently, cause he work up screaming and then said "Bad guy" over and over. They watched Toy Story while I did a treadmill workout, alternating between slow song and fast songs, walking and jog/sprint during the different songs. Did two 1 min sprints, jogged during all of two other songs, good sweat, 2 miles in 27:25, done at 7 am.
Saturday - Busy Saturday, left for temple at 5:30 this morning, took a nap after I got back. Finally got in my workout at 11:45 pm - did four rounds of: .25 treadmill then 1 min center plank on hands, then 8 min of stretching, 12:15 am, time for bed

18 weeks in 2015 with Owen
18 weeks with Daniel April 2016

Monday, August 13, 2018

Aug 13 - 18 (17 weeks)

17 weeks - pear
Monday - 2.25 miles on treadmill in 30:10. Did four one minute sprints, go me! Zuzka Legs like a Dancer #4 stretching (started at 41:20 min) Weight this morning after exercising was 148.2 again, 3rd week in a row with no gain, that makes me glad. And really I shouldn't be gaining much, right? If junior is just growing from an apple to an avocado to a pear, I shouldn't be gaining pounds upon pounds yet, so good. I'm trying to not be hung up on the outcome/scale number though, just controlling the controllables that I DO have control over everyday, as Holly says. I've been exercising daily and eating my vegetables! I'm going to keep focusing on the things I do every day and will not focus on the outcome, but again, nice when the outcome is favorable!
Tuesday - Upper body static holds
The Man - biceps, 2/5lb weights, laying on ground with arms straight down at side, some slight curls
Rut - triceps 2/5lbs laying on ground arms straight above, some slight extension
Life to Come - chest - 2/5 laying with arms out at a T
Run for Cover - back - on tummy, tried holding a T with 2/5, my back is pretty weak though, struggled
Tyson vs. Douglas - back again - on tummy holding a T out with no weights, a few grabs of 2/3lbs
Some Kind of Love - shoulders - side raise holds with 2/3lbs, my arms are blasted!
Get You Out of My Mind - chest and arm stretches on ball
Wednesday - Treadmill walk/jog/sprint. 2 miles in 24:40, yeah. Walked until 30 min, 2.3 miles. Done before 8 am, which is also good, good prep before school starts next week. Also Zuzka's Legs like a Dancer #4 stretching again (started at 41:20 min)
Thursday - Bad night last night, thus a bad morning, so didn't exercise this morning. 11:30 pm and just finished 12 minutes of planks. Those center planks on hands are super hard!
Friday - 27:45 on treadmill, 2.25 miles. Walked for a song, then jogged for a song until had gone 2 miles then a 3 min cool down walk, 10 min stretching
Saturday - 9pm-10pm, did Zuzka's Legs like a Dancer #6

Monday, August 6, 2018

Aug 6 - 11 (16 weeks)

16 weeks - avocado
Monday - 16 weeks. Treadmill walk/jog/sprint at 7 am, though I was fighting getting up. I've been in the bad habit the past 2 months of hitting snooze, but it's almost back to reality with school in 2 weeks, better start getting adjusted. So I did 2.20 miles in 30 minutes (finished 2 miles at 26:30) Weight 148.2 this morning, yeah, no gain this week - I'm also proud of that number cause it's after a week of family reunion time and there were chances to eat cake, ice cream, licorice, and cookies. I didn't eat any of them except for some popcorn, so go me.
Tuesday - 8:00 am - upper body exercises like last Tues, same songs and exercises but in different order.
1) Biceps/The Man, curls and static holds w/15s and 10s
2) Back/Tyson vs. Douglas, flys and holds with 5s
3) Shoulders/Run for Cover, lat and front raises with 5s, then upward press with 12s
4) Chest/Rut - Presses and holds with 10s
5) Triceps/Life to Come, 10s for press holds, straight arm holds with one 10
Then did Zuzka's Legs Like a Dancer #5, good stuff. I have to be honest I laugh/am embarrassed when I think about how I must look doing these exercises compared to her!
Wednesday - 2 mile walk/jog on treadmill 7:52-8:18 (no sprint via Run for Cover song, but I did jog the entire second mile) 26 minutes. Listening to Imagine Dragons Evolve.
Thursday - .5 mile walk, Dragon pose for 13 seconds, then a Holly workout Jan 2018 OSG -  5 reps each of the following in an AMRAP
- warm up
8 min lower body density set - (I did 7 sets)
1) Deadlifts with 2/20 lbs
2) RDL reach
3) Sumo Squat 1/30 lb
7 min upper body density set - (I did 5 sets)
1) Stability Ball over press 1/15 lb
2) Blast Off Pushup
3) Bent Over Row 2/25s
2 Min sizzler - triple crush and bear knee slap
-cool down and stretching
Friday - 7:35am 2.23 miles on treadmill in 30:44, walk and jog mostly, good sweat, sprint during chorus of Run for Cover. Stretching with Zuzka, the last 15 min of Legs like a dancer #5, started at 38:00
Saturday - 28 min on treadmill, walk, jog and one 60 sec sprint with a few more sprints. Then Zuzka's 15 min mat stretches again.