Saturday, March 7, 2015

Mar 2 - 7 (18 weeks)

18 Weeks
Monday - "sweet potato" size, but still haven't felt any strong movements from the baby.
Tuesday - Shoveled snow a lot, good upper back workout, (was sore Wed). Had ultrasound today, our baby is a boy. They said there is more than normal water in the kidneys. She told me not to google it but I did, it's a marker for Downs Syndrome, but could clear up and might be nothing. Don't feel too worried.
Wednesday - no exercise, tried to clean. OB's nurse called to schedule another ultrasound before we leave for Brazil, said something about Nucal fold, which I googled to see it's also a marker for downs - which has now made me a little worried, I've been a bit emotional.
Thursday - nothing. still worried about the baby, but finally have felt him move today and more than once.
Friday - 400 lunges at Liberty park while I waited for Melodie to finish her flute lesson. First time doing that, it was nice to be outside. Dr called last night and scheduled me for a blood draw to have DNA tested to see if baby is downs or not, will come back in 2 weeks, hopefully before we are boarding the plane to Florida.
Saturday - nothing, we all cleaned a lot today, it was nice to have everyone's help.

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