Today it will be 100 days until 2013 is over, which was brought to my attention by my soul sister Nicole. She suggested we do a 100 day challenge together, so she and I are getting serious and setting a few goals to improve a day at a time.
My goals:
Daily Spiritual Nourishment - 11:00 a.m.
Daily Diet: Food Combining (Marilu Style) - All Day
Daily Exercise: Planks or stretching plus cardio or resistance training
My weight today 154
Waist measurement (M1) - 39
Hip measurement (M2) - 42
100 days, I'm going to start with day 1 rather than countdown backwards. So... it begins!
1) Ensign articles - Sept 2012 - both went along with repenting (resolutions) and habits:
Repentance that Brings Conversion and Overcoming Addiction Through the Atonement (I have a slight addiction to chocolate chip cookies)
2) 8:30 breakfast - date and prunes
11:00 lunch - granola with rice milk, 2 slices of whole wheat bread
snack - carrots and tomatoes
dinner - shrimp with lemon juice, grilled red peppers/mushrooms/onions
3) AM - 90 second planks & stretching
PM - Upper body 40 divebombers, 500 mountain climbers
Great start!!! I like the real food blog. I want to work it into the challenge. Oh, and I did forget to mention that I ate a "few" oatmeal cookies yesterday. BUT, I did make them myself which according to the Real food blog is okay as long as I make them... hahaha.