Monday, May 1, 2023

May 1 - 6

Monday - Biking with Corey then monkey bars at night with Sophi, pull ups during the day

Tuesday - biking with Corey in the morning, snuck out to do the fish tail at sunset, pull ups

Wednesday - biking after taking Lily. Corey had already headed up. We both rode past the snow at the bridge and were able to get up pretty far! Up to where the avalanche'd trees were blocking the path. So nice to be back in the trees. 7.73 miles, 59 minutes.

Thursday - monkey bars at Daniel's soccer practice. then evening walk at Corner Canyon up Ann's connector trail, rainy. Hikes 2.5 miles. 35 minutes.

Friday - Ride with Corey, we went to the third bridge. WE CLIMBED OVER THE AVALANCHE which I thought was really stupid but I was following Corey. The trail was mostly snowy after that, so I'm not interested in doing that again until the snow melts. But it was an adventure and I'm glad we didn't die in a mudslide or anything. 9.88 miles, 1 hour 23 min.

Saturday - 7:20 am - to avalanche and back, 7.75 miles, 56 minutes, I got a PR on the power plant down section - time of 2:38. Then 2 min hollow and 2 min superman at home and two handstands

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