Monday - climbing after I dropped of Lily, it was good. It's more fun with a friend though. Tried a black V2 that I haven't done before, didn't send it though. I did 14 climbs: V1s (purples, blue, yellow, red) and V2s (green, yellow, white, and purple) Some stretching at home. Cold shower ✓
Boring blog where I log my workouts for myself, with some self inspiration and motivation now and then too.
Monday, January 30, 2023
Jan 30 - Feb 4
Monday, January 23, 2023
Jan 23 - 28
Monday - climbing after I dropped of Lily, I did the purple V2 and a new yellow V2, yay. Warm bath followed by a 2 min as cold as it will get shower, it helped to say "cold shower... cold shower..." I felt like I was Anna on Frozen saying "cold cold cold" to myself
Monday, January 16, 2023
Jan 16 - 21
Monday - climbing with Wes and Lily this morning around 10. I did two green V2s (low on the south boulder, tall one on the north boulder). Wes was working on a V5 and also did his first V4. Lily did the green V2, the tall one! Yay for a day off of school. Also stretching. Warm bath followed by a cold shower
Monday, January 9, 2023
Jan 9 - 14
Monday - 2.34 mile jog outside, some walking, and today is day 1 of Hyperbolic stretching, did front splits stretches
Monday, January 2, 2023
Jan 2 - 7
Monday - climbing at 8 pm with Lily. She hasn't been at all during the break so she was pretty frustrated that her hands couldn't handle the holds