Monday, July 23, 2018

Jul 23 - 28 (14 weeks)

14 Weeks - Nectarine
Monday - 14 weeks, baby the size of a nectarine, uterus size of a grapefruit. I got up early at 6!!! First time I've done that in a few weeks (well, except when I had to take Wes to the tour bus) 6:10 went on a 40 min walk. Feeling really good after a great week last week. 7:00 am - Did this June 2018 workout by Holly, I used one 15 pound weight for all the 4x5 stuff, then for the sizzler I used a 30 lb dumbbell for the first 2 min, 20 lbs for the last 2. Good sweat goin' on. Weight this morning after exercise - 145.0, last preg at 14 weeks: weight 150.0 lbs. 8:30 pm - 20 min walk on treadmill while I watched Dude Perfect videos, beach stereotypes, (they are funny)
Tuesday - Morning: 1.5 miles on treadmill in 22:50 min, then ZGYM workout Legs like a dancer #3, I'm loving the ZGYM. Also did about 50 walking laps in the lazy river at cowabunga bay yesterday, did long stretching lunges for some of them, that should count for something
Wednesday - 9 am - 20:47 min walk on treadmill, 1.06 miles, as I watch a Dude Perfect Overtime video, might be my new easy walk thing. Going to do a run later. Now I gotta go clean the kitchen. 10:55 pm - 14 min run on the treadmill, 1:02 miles. Did warm up walk to The Man, then walk with two 1 min sprints during Run for Cover (of course!), then jogged during Tyson vs. Douglas, good song to jog to, good sweat
Thursday - 8:10 am, 1.36 miles walking in 25 minutes, then Holly's July workout C (not a workout I'll be able to do during the next few months) 12 minutes EMOM -Every minute on the minute do 10 reps:
  • 1 min plank hold (she did chair burpees but I didn't want to do that)
  • child pose to push up
  • superman T hold (she did superwoman 10x but I didn't want to move alot on my belly, I won't be able to do superman in a month anyway)
  • Standing RDL, 10 left, then next round 10 right, last round 10 each
Friday - walk on treadmill for 21 minutes, went 1.15 miles, then Zuzka's Legs like a dancer #4
Saturday - 12 minutes of planks

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