Friday, May 26, 2017

May 21 - 27

Monday - treadmill jog with 4 sprints, 30 minutes, new low with weight 134.8
Tuesday - 30 min jog outside
Wednesday - 30 minute walk
Thursday - 30 minute walk, listened to this version of Master the Tempest is Raging over and over again. I could only do the first two verses and chorus, couldn't listen tot he 3rd verse yet cause we're not there yet (storm is not over, nor do I know when or how it will end)... I'm trying to not feel like we're about to perish (all mostly regarding MM business)
Friday - don't have the energy/drive to jog right now, just a 45 minute walk again this morning while listening to A High Priest of Good Things to Come, 15 min stretching
Saturday - 2 mile evening jog with Melodie. Her first time going for a run in a while, and so Mel had to stop and walk quite a few times. I did planks while she caught her breath - 3 times a center plank for 1 min with hand planks on each side for 30-40 seconds each. Good workout! Then we stretched for 30 min after we got home.

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