Thursday, October 27, 2016

Oct 24 - 29 (Daniel 5 weeks old)

Monday - Upper body today - biceps: curls - 30 reps with 2/12 lbs, 30 with 2/15, triceps: 30 chair dips, 30 extensions with 1/30 lb, shoulders: 30 side raises with 2/10 lbs, upward press with 2/15 lbs. back: reverse push ups 60 reps. chest: push ups - 20 on toes, 40 on knees. My weight this morning was 160.2. Not what I was hoping, but I guess that is why Whole 30 tells you not to weigh yourself, cause then you let the number put you in a good or bad mood (it put me in a bad mood), so I'm going to try to force that out of my head and instead trust that as I keep following this nutritarian lifestyle the weight will come off even if it didn't this week. (...Although I've probably been eating too many dates and pecans...)
Tuesday - treadmill in the morning while Daniel was sleeping - .5 then check on him, .5 again and check on him. .1 and he woke up, nursed for a few minutes, he went back to sleep and the treadmill reset, so not positive on my time, but I was able to finish it up my 2+ miles for the day.
Wednesday - At night did 6 laps around the block, 22 minutes.
Thursday - nothing. My mental discipline has waned a little - ate some skittles and graham crackers today. Wish I would just throw it away, instead feed it to the kids. I don't want to buy it anymore... darn halloween coming up....
Friday - 5 min of planks, phone call, one more minute, phone call, 3 minutes, then Owen came and sat on my head, and then I gave up. for a total of 9
Saturday - nothing. I entered this UC Davis challenge which sounds just like Dr. Fuhrman's eat to live (more info on it here). Thus, I'm beginning a Fuhrman fast today for 21 days (per the challenge) I will make it through Halloween un-contaminated!!!

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