Did a Body for Life style upper body workout today. I did Body for Life style workouts religiously from 2002-2005, so it's an easy one for me mentally to do, don't have to even think about it. For those who don't know though, you start at 12 reps at a comfortable weight, then increase the intensity/weights with each set while decreasing the reps. So reps go 12-10-8-6-12-(switch exercise)12 and intensity goes about 6-7-8-10-8-8 (if that makes sense,?).
So you end up doing a total of 60 reps. In my home workout stuff, I don't have too much weight to increase like I did at the gym, so today I started off at a hard weight and kept pushing through to increase the intensity till I finished through the 60 reps. I did:
SHOULDERS - Shoulder presses with two 15 lb dumbbells, then upright rows for last 12
BICEPS - Hammer curls w/two 15 lb dumbbells, basic curls for last 12
CHEST - Push ups on toes, then dumbbell fly for the last 12
TRICEPS - laying extensions with two 15 lbs weights, then chair dips for last 12
BACK - Dumbbell swing with my DIY sandbag-type thing, 30 lbs, then 12 mowers on each side w/one 30lb dumbbell.
Took me 35 minutes. Going to do BFL Lowerbody tomorrow
Post a pic of your do-it-yourself sandbag. I'm curious now.