Tuesday, February 12, 2013

18.2 - Modified ZWOW #26

18 weeks and 2 days today.  I have my ultrasound on Valentine's Day and we'll see if it's a boy or girl!  We are not planning on telling the kids though.  :)  Gonna make them wait till the big day, we'll see if I can resist 20 weeks of their nagging to know!

Yesterday I did 12 minutes of planks in the morning and 400 lunges at night.  Trying to catch up from missing workouts on Friday and Saturday (kids throwing up everynight here since last Wednesday, laundry laundry, la la la.)

This morning I modified ZWOW #26 - video here.  My modified version is below - (or see the original write up of her workout here or just watch the video)

Do two 5 minute rounds for a 10 minute workout, each exercise is 30 seconds. 
1 round = 
  1. Left plank with leg lift, with 4 mountain climbers in between each one
  2. Right plank with leg lift, with 4 mountain climbers in between each one
  3. Left side elbow plank hip raises
  4. Right side elbow plank with hip raises
  5. Side to Side Squat
  6. Side to side push ups
  7. Knee hugs (did this holding my legs up behind my knees)
  8. Elbow center plank
  9. Pike Press
  10. Plank with alternating toe taps out to side with straight leg

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