Monday, June 24, 2024

Jun 24 - 29

Monday - Corey and me, drove to Quarry trailhead. Only thing I didn't get on the climb was the rocks before the 2nd bridge. It was a waterfall today though, I think I'll be able to get it when it's not all wet and slippery. I got up avalanche hill, the rocks after Lisa falls, and I did all of Techy, aka both rock gardens, yay. We did Techgnar and I got most of that on the climb except the skinny tree pass, got it all on the descent, but paused to explore a few features, it's fun. We're getting pretty good, I think our kids would be impressed if they saw what we did (if they could keep up!) we might need to get a drone to show them, or a GoPro. 

Showed this video of Ginny MacColl to my mom yesterday. Ginny did her first pull up at 63 and is 72 today and flying around ninja warrior courses. So cool. That's going to be me at 70! My calisthenics for today:

  • handstand against wall 72 seconds, I'll have to try again, I need to do 76 to beat my last time of 75
  • Push ups right after handstand, only got 15 on toes, then 20 on knees
  • 2:30 pm - did 5 chin ups without stopping! Then five 10 second let downs, done at 2:58! That's a new record. We've quit momentum but I'm trying hard to keep my upper body strength and my grip strength
  •  straight into hammer hang, got 90 seconds!!

Tuesday - Ride in Corner Canyon with Corey, did Canyon Hollow, Brocks and Rush Full. 5.39 miles, 45 minutes total, so pretty fast I think! Got 17 achievements, PR on Full Rush Downhill at 9:08. Rush down and then back up to parking lot was 15:31 (Previous best was on Corey's bday 17:12, and 6/12 18:49, with J last week 6/19 it was 24:34, I mostly blame J's bike for that slow time) Then an evening hike up to Twin Lakes Reservoir, 2.99 miles, walking with friends, 1 hour 32 min.

My calisthenics for today:

  • handstand against wall 77 seconds! Barely got it, I was shaking!
  • brief headstand at reservoir
Wednesday - Trailhead to ruins with Corey, Joseph, and Harrison, then Techy and Techgnar. I got 1st rock pile of Techy, not the second one. Did the sticks in Techgnar. 9.08 miles, 1 hour 26 minutes. 

  • 4 chin ups, 1 jump up, 5 let downs - time 2:53
  • handstands - 69 sec, 51 sec
Thursday - drove up to Idaho

Friday - Dancing at Joseph and Eliza's wedding

Saturday - Bike ride with Eliza's parents at Eagle Bike Park. 7.41miles, 1 hour 2 min, 

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