Monday, June 10, 2024

Jun 10 - 15

Monday - Ride up LCC this morning with Corey. I got up avalanche hill, the rocks (but touched down after the rocks) got over the 3rd bridge pipe, and I got up Lisa Falls too! Good ride, didn't get the two techy rock gardens and my right handlebar caught a tree and I fell, left knee hurts. Made me act a little less aggressive on the ride down. Trail is still pretty wet in lots of places. 1:10 up according to Corey's strava, MY strava said 1:14 even though we were together the whole time!  11.23 miles, 1 hour 40 min

Tuesday - Hike to Bells Reservoir and back. Left at 5:30 am. Would have gone further but I had an emergency bathroom need so I had to cut it short. 4.19 miles, 1 hour 27 minutes. Then at 10pm I wanted to go climb but didn't want to go so late so instead just did some stuff in the basement - 22 push ups on toes, 10-ish some pull ups (two at a time) and body weight holds on Joe's ninja warrior blocks. 20 handstands, 10 each leg forward

Wednesday - 6:30 am ride in Corner Canyon with Corey. Up Ann's and Edelweiss, down Rush. 1 hour 2 min, 7.25 miles. 

Thursday - climbing this morning. Joseph was going to come but then ripped the skin on his palm as he was getting his shoes from the top shelf. So Corey and I did top rope for 4 climbs... 
  • C&T new orange 5.9/5.10a
  • C&T yellow 5.9
  • T lavender 5.8
  • C&T black 5.10a

...then a little bouldering, there were new climbs in the OG sector. 15 total:

  • 2 V4 attempts
  • 5 V3 attempts - new ones in the OG sector
  • 2 V2 sends 
  • 5 V1s
  • 1 V0 - new on in OG
Friday - Up at 5:15, 15 min of stretching, did some reading, then at 6:45 am Corey and I drove to Parley's parking lot then took the Parley's bench southbound, then the BST climb up to Pipeline. Pipeline was really nice! Lots of people on it, but I liked it a lot. We took it to Porter fork then took the road home cause we had been gone a while. 12.97 miles, 1:43 time

Saturday - Happy Birthday Corey! We went on a morning ride to Corner Canyon, did Canyon Hollow the whole way (didn't turn on Brocks) and then Rush Full down (not the trees). 5.75 miles, 52 minutes, 10 achievements. 30 min stretching after we got back. Took kids biking, Corey took NODK and I was with P, it was hot but not much of a workout

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