Monday, May 27, 2024

May 27 - Jun 2

Monday - Rode up a new trail, Mother Urban. 1439 elevation gain, 7.82 miles, 1 hour 39 minutes. Had to climb over a few trees, but it was good! I liked the trail. 12 reps of lat pull 100 lbs

Tuesday - Ride up Armstrong, HAM, and Seldom Seen - 7.77 miles, 1284 elevation gain, 1 hour 25 minutes. So this was a usual ride we did last year, only today instead of coming down Spiro, we took Seldom Seen, a new trail for us - it was SO FUN! It was as good as Rush - lots of rolls and turns, I just need to learn how to do jumps then I'll be cooking on that. Loved it. Excited to do it in July with Joseph and people. Corey lost his airpod case though, so that was sad. Maybe I'll go ride up to try and find it later this week. 20 min splits stretching, also I was able to do this back roll to a head stand a few times, kinda weird, hoping to help those muscles figure out what they are supposed to do.

Wednesday - Corey's feeling sick so didn't go climb this morning. Did some back bend stretching after I saw this guy on facebook. Went did 21:
  • 1 V3 attempt - New Pink on short end of south boulder, sent it last week but didn't get it today
  • 2 V3 sends - Red and White in OG
  • 1 V2 attempt - stupid Green one on north boulder
  • 7 V2 sends 
  • 5 V1s
  • 5 V0s
Thursday - Ride up LCC, I got up the rocks, did the first rock pile on techy, and my greatest feeling of accomplishment today came from doing the two last obstacles before the ruins - the rock step and the last pipe, I don't think I've ever done either of them but today I did BOTH! And Techy is so fun

Friday - Happy Birthday Katharine! Bouldering at 8pm with Hyrum. I was able to do the pink and show off in front of my college kid, haha
I did 26: 
  • 1 V4 attempt - Red on South Boulder
  • 5 V3 attempts - Lost my footing once on Red, Pink South Boulder, new Blue on south Boulder, Two yellow in OG sector, I got further than I've gotten before!
  • 5 V3 sends - Red and White Pink North Boulder, Pink South Boulder, Blue on south Boulder, I kinda did it in two parts but I'm counting it! (Hyrum above on North Boulder Pink)
  • 10 V2 attempt - I got the stupid Green one on the north boulder! Pic of Hyrum doing it below. He tried it, I told him how I thought we might be able to do it, it is really tricky cause all the holds are sideways but there is nothing to put your feet on below! But after H's attempt I tried it and I got it!!
  • 5 V1s

Saturday - Morning ride at 8:30 with Corey. Started at Coyote Trailhead and we did Clarks and Rush. Ugh, Clarks is hard and I was breathing heavy the whole time. Got a PR going up though! tiotal time 46 minutes, 5.14 miles. Clarks plus Rush through the trees PR - 4.67 miles in 41:06. Did pretty good on Rush down. 28 segments, 17 achievements, 8 PRs/golds, 5 silvers, 4 bronze. 

Sunday - Grant is in town, did two headstands at park with Hibbert's

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