Monday - Ride up LCC with Corey this morning. Left at 6:30, we saved two puppies that were in the road playing (had licenses, called their owner) I didn't want to go this morning, so I was slow just pedaling one round then another. 11.39 miles, 1 hour 40 min. On the climb after the 3rd bridge Corey took this pic. Not loving how I look in this, but that's what I often think of photos of myself.

On the Lisa Falls hill, a branch caught the hole in my helmet and made me have to stop, but I had just gotten up the first hard part and I was feeling like I was going to do it, so that's too bad. Had fun on the way down, I hit ALL of techy today! Yes, that was cool. I think it was a PR but I didn't stop in the right place for Strava to pick it up, next time I'll go down a bit more before I stop (waiting for Corey) He hasn't ever had music on, he always does podcasts, but today he listened to Don't Sweat the Technique. After he said "Well that was a LOT more fun! I was way more reckless!" haha. We're gonna get him Spotify or itunes.
30 push ups on toes in 46 seconds, then 30 on knees in 55 seconds, 1 min 24 second hang (with two chin ups)
Tuesday - Wonderful Flow this morning, and frog stretch. Then top rope with Corey after carpool. Started off with two 5.10c's, woo! I belayed Corey first. I did two in a row twice, it was hard. I didn't cheat or take a break or fall on any of them today.
- CT red 5.10c
- C black 5.10c
- T black 5.10c, lavender 5.9
- C lavender 5.9
- TC black 5.10d attempt (made it half way, then over to a 5.9 orange for the rest of the way up
- TC yellow 5.10a
- T lavender 5.10b, black 5.7
- C lavender 5.10b, black 5.7
- TC purple 5.10a (hard to start!)
Wednesday - Took a ride in Corner Canyon after doing initiatories at the Draper temple. I did Clarks - it's been a while since I did Clarks (It's been closed after the houses fell over the edge). It was brutal. Looks like in
Aug 2021 I was proud when I didn't have to stop on the hill at all, and I didn't stop today, so good job me. Then rush down, did rush the end another time - 5.83 miles, 56 min. Then I went and did a dozen+ laps on the beginner and intermediate jump line. Got some air a few times, only lost my footing once but I didn't fall, yay. 2.37 miles in 19 minutes
Thursday - Woke up on my own at 5:15 and stretched for 45 minutes as I read my scriptures. Then bouldering this morning by myself after taking skyline carpool - did 20:
- 1 V4s - white one on south boulder
- 7 V3 sends - South Boulder: 3x Black, OG: 2x Red, White, North Boulder: Pink
- 10 V2 sends - One was a really hard Orange route in the OG, that was a tough one!
- 1 V1
- 1 V0 - new one, I just had to do it so I could check them all off
Then at 6 I drove up the canyon and did 3 loops on techy. Didn't make it up the hill or hit everything but it was good practice. 2.3 miles, 30 minutes. I did get one 3rd place Bronze time 8:40 for the loop.
Friday - Ride to Ruins with Corey, started at trailhead cause we didn't leave until 7 (C slept in and I had to get back for Natalie's patriotic program at school. But I don't mind time to myself in the morning - I got in 20 minutes of stretching while I read my scriptures and waited for him.) 7.09 miles, 1 hour 14 min. Today I got up the hill after the 3rd bridge, yay. Haven't gotten that one yet this season
Saturday - Solo bouldering tonight, I tried to do a V1, V2, V3, then V4 in that order, then repeat, but the only V4 I can do is the white one, but I did attempt a few others, but sometimes I skipped the V4. Did a total of 25:
- 1 V4 attempt - blue in OG Sector
- 3 V4 sends - white one on south boulder
- 2 V3 attempts - Both in OG - new Red and green ones
- 5 V3 sends - Lavendar, Black, Red, White, Pink
- 2 V2 attempt - Orange one, really hard! I tried it at the end so I was spent and couldn't do it, plus a stupid impossible green one on the north boulder
- 6 V2 sends - One was a really hard Orange route in the OG, that was a tough one!
- 6 V1 sends