Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Feb 18 - 23 (Peter is 5 weeks old)

Monday - Peter is 5 weeks old. Spent a night away last night for our anniversary. I'm not feeling in the zone. Today I just shoveled the driveway, and did ten 20 second holds on the pull up bar, starting to toughen up my hands and work my way up to pull ups again
Tuesday - Happy Anniversary to us. I walked 1 mile on the treadmill this morning in 15:28, then 2 hours of night skiing at Brighton tonight. Very cold (zero degrees!) but it was good.
Wednesday - TEN 10 second let downs, I was shaking but I was able to hold a few at the top, most of them I was holding my best with arms at 90 degrees
Thursday - My knees have been hurting for a few weeks, not when I jogged but when I got up and down the stairs and when I get off the couch after feeding Peter (it's a real sink into it couch) So just did treadmill walk again, 40 minutes, 2.35 miles
Friday - About 20 minutes of random upperbody moves with 2/12 lbs in my closet, trying to get a burn. Watched a free online masterclass by Sculpted Vegan. I like it
Saturday - Requested a free gym plan from the Sculpted Vegan (may refer to it in future as just SV) Modified one of her Friday workout to make it at home - 3 times each exercise with 12 reps of each
  1. Chest Fly on ball with 2/8
  2. Double Bent Over Row, 2/25
  3. Seated Shoulder Lat Raises 2/8
  4. Dumbbell Hammer Curls 2/15
  5. Tricep Dips with 1/20 dmbl on lap
  6. Bulgarian Split Squat
  7. Glute Kick Backs Alternating
  8. Reverse Crunch
Also did 10 thirty second hangs on the pull up bar. So, I think I might join Vasa next week, thinking about it. Kim said to do it in the masterclass webinar. But will I be able to make it to the gym with Peter? Thinking about it...

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