Wednesday, July 29, 2015

July 27 - Aug 1 (39 weeks)

39 weeks - small watermelon
Monday - 39 weeks today, Just finished my 400 lunges. I'm calling the hospital in 20 minutes, praying they haven't been busy during the night and that I can go in to be induced.
~ Later ~ Checked in at hospital at 12:20, baby born at 4:48! 8 lbs 1 oz, 21 inches
Tuesday - nothing, feeling a bit more pain than I remember after the last delivery.
Wednesday - 20 minutes of planks - 7 minutes, then had to run errands so I started over later and did 13 minutes to make it an even 20.
Thursday -40 minute/ 2 mile walk at midnight on treadmill at an incline (it's manual, so not sure how much of an incline but I really felt it) was sweating a ton. I've been in quite a bit of pain today, I thought maybe some endorphins might help me sleep and I did feel a lot better afterward. Kinda jogged for 1 minute intervals 4 times - jog speed averaged 4.5, walked at 3.0 most of the time.
Friday - nothing
Saturday - nothing, lots of housework though. Feeling well and meant to get in a workout, just a busy day.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

July 20 - 25 (38 weeks)

38 weeks - long as rhubarb
Monday - 38 weeks today. Did 400 lunges this morning, go me~ After my typical night of uncomfortable rest, I got up and did my lunges around 6:30 a.m. I did it! And I'm still alive. Actually I told God I'll go do my lunges if you'll let me go into labor. Helped me mentally to think if I did it I could deliver today. But I'll keep being patient. :)
Tuesday - 12 minutes of planks at 12:20 am - barely got them in - took a picture today. I'm ready for this little man to move out.
Wednesday - nothing, did lots of yard and housework though
Thursday - 3 mile walk (I hope? ...took 75 minutes. Grateful I found an open restroom at the park or I might have had an accident)
Friday - 12 minutes of planks
Saturday - Temple session in the morning, might still get a workout in...

Monday, July 13, 2015

July 13 - 18 (37 weeks)

37 weeks - long as swiss chard

Monday - 37 weeks today, doctor appointment today went fine (aside from the 45 minute wait, but hey, I was able to finish the Old Testament!) I'm scheduled to be induced in two weeks on the 27th, yay. Did 400 lunges tonight at 9:30. I am totally hating them right now! I feel so big, gotta start working up my determination now if I'm going to do them next week - the last time before baby comes (unless I do my lunges early in the morning on delivery day)
Tuesday - nothing. Bought a treadmill though, great deal, $50 bucks and I love that it has a dial to control speed, not buttons
Wednesday - 12 minutes of planks
Thursday - nothing
Friday - 3 mile walk (hope it was atleast 3 miles since it took me an hour and 15 minutes, ugh!)
Saturday - 12 minutes of planks

Monday, July 6, 2015

July 6 - 11 (36 weeks)

36 weeks - canary melon
Monday - 36 weeks today, back in the USA. Kinda took the weekend off recovering from our trip home. Today went on a morning walk down to the elementary school and did 400 lunges on the way back. Weight this morning 183.6
Tuesday - went for 2 mile walk (little over 2 miles)
Wednesday - 12 minutes of planks. Didn't do planks last week and I could tell, I was struggling!
Thursday - nothing
Friday - nothing - left for a weekend with friends in Scofield
Saturday - 12 minutes of planks at Scofield, pretty weak tho