Monday, September 23, 2024

Sept 23 - 28

Monday - Ride up LCC after violin (at violin right now, so that's the plan) Grounding - check, 25 min raking in the back yard and planting starter pines in a little garden. Stretching - still need to do. Want to get back in the habit of doing it every day for 15 minutes. Actually I'm going to try and stretch for a few min while we're still here at violin...

Tuesday - I bailed out tonight on a class I volunteered to take - an emotional resilience class. I bailed out cause I wanted to go on a ride instead, and today the discussion was on stress and anxiety, and I was FEELING stress and anxiety, and knew the best thing for me would be to go on a ride, so that's what I did. Corey left before me, I saw him on his way down, at the top of avalanche hill. He turned around and went back up with me again from there, so he got in 14.61 miles. I haven't gone to the ruins from home since Aug 27th, so it had been a while. 11.38 miles for me, 1 hour 34 minutes. The techy log was cut and moved last week, but Corey and I put it back today. :) Corey getting the rocks read, then I lifted and walked the log around back to the pile of rocks. 

Wednesday - 

Thursday - 

Friday - 

Saturday -

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