Monday, August 26, 2024

Aug 26 - 31

Monday - Corey not feeling well, so ride by myself, from trailhead to techy - and back. 1 hour 2 min, 6.32 miles. Fell on the first rock pile of techy. Lodged my front wheel in a rock, and then my right foot got held on my pedal by another rock and so I fell to my right but couldn't catch myself. No scrapes, but I'm sure I'll have lots of bruises tomorrow. Watched this Pacific Rim video (I told Corey several months ago that I want to sign up when I'm 50 years old, or earlier if/when funds allow) 

Physical and mental training. Right before bed did a few chin ups, pull ups, and then a hang-on-as-long-as-you-can

Tuesday - Ride from home to the ruins with Corey. Techy on the way down, of course. I also went by the school with Daniel as he was rollerblading there. 11.90 miles, 1 hour 43 minutes. Grounded for an hour as I read on the grass. Had three ice cream oreo sandwiches today, apologies to my body. 

Wednesday - stretching, 4 min planks, bridge for 20 seconds, I can barely straighten my arms tho

Thursday - This morning Corey and I went on a long ride. Yesterday I decided that I wanted to go do Pinecone cause Corey said that I would like it (he did it with Kyle our last day at Park City). I decided yesterday to do it today because today is a Thursday (not a Friday/weekend/holiday) and it is the last day that's not a weekend that we have Mel around (she starts at BYU on Monday.) I didn't want to do Pinecone on a weekend cause Kyle said it's too busy "but on a weekday morning you should be good!" so I've been eyeing the calendar for a few weeks but it didn't work with reunion prep and kids and school and then Peter being half day last week - but this week seemed like an ideal time. And I left it until the last chance, but that's usually how Corey and I fly - just taking care of the current fire that we need to put out! So I texted Corey yesterday that I was going to do it, and he said he wanted to come. We woke up the high school kids and then left everyone in Mel's capable hands. We left home at 6:30 for the drive up to Park City. There were only like two other cars in the parking lot when we got there, sweet. It was a good ride - we took Armstrong up, to Mid mountain, then took that south to Pinecone, and that was a long ride, but it was good! Nice and shaded, we saw 5 other bikers on the climb. We got to the top of  Crest - and it was a longer ride than getting dropped off at Guardsman, but yay we didn't have to do Puke hill! Ha, I think that's worth it. There was a big group of people from New Zealand up there and we asked one of the guys to take our pic - 
I had hoped to have more of the mountains behind us, but oh well. Before we started out descent, Corey left a message for Wes about the struggle of climbing and learning to keep working even when you're tired. Even if the climb isn't that fun, you're getting stronger. 
The ride down was really fun! Pinecone was really fast and flowy. There were 4 bikers (two groups of 2) coming up on our descent but that was good - we didn't have to pull over that much. It went by super quick though. Kinda crazy how long something can take to climb and how quickly it can be descended. we were back at Midmountain before we knew it, then took that south until we got to CMG. I got 19 achievements, and it was my biggest climb! - My strava said 3065 feet elevation, Corey's was 3206. We joke that he has the male version of Strava and it let's him get better times and stats. So finished our ride at 11, got back home at 11:40. 

Friday - rest day

Saturday - Corey and I left at 7:44 am and rode up Big Mountain, and we made it ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP! 2 hours 15 min climb, 40 min of fun on the descent. 
13.60 miles, moving time 2:45, I got all PRs on the descent!

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