Monday, December 12, 2022

Dec 12 - 17

Monday - climbing at Momentum by myself, I did the white V1! (OG Sector) yahoo

Tuesday - shoveled and show-blowed a lot of snow this morning, then went climbing with Corey and Wes, I did the yellow V1 for the first time!! Wes did some V3s! Corey did his first V2, we were there for over an hour, good stuff

Wednesday - climbing with Lily after school. She did the yellow V1 too! We had a contest on the new pink V1 on the south boulder, she was ahead of me but then I tied her

Thursday - climbing with Wes in the morning. We learned that they have bags of chalk that you can borrow, yay. We tried the new pink V1 first, which might not have been the best idea cause then my forearms were done. Still couldn't do the orange V1, it's so awkward. I'll try that first thing next time. I got further on the purple V1 of the north boulder. Wes doing the hot pink V1. It is impossible.

Friday - I did the purple V1, but did touch briefly an orange with my foot, but I'm counting it. Also did 500 mountain climbers in my closet, and a few of these 8 exercises, as I am focusing on increasing my climbing game -
#1 - Hollow - held for 90 seconds, but my back bows and isn't on the floor well,
#2 - Superman 100 seconds - check
#3 - middle splits - mine are pathetic, like I'm at a right angle!
#4 - W sit - I can do it! had to do a hang with both hands but did that for 30 seconds with the help of wincing. 
#5 - V Stand - didn't try, did try a L stand with yoga blocks for like 5 seconds
#6 - Static One Arm hang - can't do it at all, can do both hands for 30 seconds but it killed my palms
#7 - Pull up - can't, my palms are done.
#8 - Kong Vault - I wish

Saturday - Did hollow and superman and a 40 sec double hand hang. Corey took kids climbing but I had to run errands. It's ok though cause my palms might like the rest

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