Monday - 7 minute workout with high knee tucks as my 20 seconds on, stretching
Tuesday - 7 minute workout with foot loose sprint in place as fast as I can as my 20 second Sprint Interval training. Stretching
Wednesday - 7 min "one and done" with 180 jumps as my 20 sec sprint. Then I also did this 5 minute No weight Full body simple workout, I'm liking Meredith's stuff.
Thursday - AM - 7 min with high knees, PM - 7 min with 20 sec hold/let down on pull up bar
Friday - AM - 2x 7 min with 20 sec sprints on treadmill, brief stretching in between the sets
Saturday - AM - 7 min with 20 sec hold/let down on pull up bar, PM - loooots of work out in the backyard! Bulk clean up comes on Monday! Lots of hauling stuff to the curb and raking. My Sculpted Nation Burn arrived today, but it says to not take it if lactating, so I need to decided if I'm going to wean Peter or not... He kept me up a lot last night, so today I feel like it, but I know I will miss nursing him if I stop.... what to do...
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