Sunday, December 1, 2013

Thrift Store Diet Books

Hi. So I haven't been logging my workouts here lately. I've kept consistent with them, just not logging them here, but I am recording things in my calendar book. I've been a bit frustrated with myself though because I have yet to get below the 150 mark. I had hoped to be past this point several weeks ago. So what's my deal? Like I said, I've been exercising, so I know it's cause of diet. I ate junk over Halloween and was hoping November would be nicer to me, and I did a little better, but not much. I'm still here.

So two weeks ago I picked up a few self help books at the thrift store and after perusing them I've had a few a-ha moments.

First one was with the book Think Yourself Thin. The idea that our battles of the bulge are really psychological battles with our stresses and issues rang true to me. But I put the Think Yourself Thin book down (might put it in the trash) after page 19 and getting more info than I would have liked about Mrs. Y's "vivid dream". I'll leave it at that. The author tanked in my trust after that cause I can't believe he put that in his book, especially near the front. I'm proud to be a prude (old French word meaning "honourable woman").

So, next book ~ Bob Greene's "Best Life Diet Book" - he shares the same things. Go get that book at the library and just read the intro or read the "emotional eating" part on page 106 and the Hunger Scale on 109. I loved the introduction by Oprah, totally range true. This book is a keeper. It's not about our love of food, it's our issues that we try to avoid by turning to food for comfort, it's us using/abusing food to hide our true feelings of stress and boredom that we've turned into eating habits. What a novel idea, to listen to our bodies and eat when we're hungry and stop when we're satisfied!!! I love it. I've eaten this way this past week and today I was at 150.2 - I'm almost there!!! Next week for sure I will be there if I listen to my body and don't turn to food for emotional comfort. I'm going to turn to exercise or cleaning to relieve stress instead of the fridge.

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