This is from page 109 of Bob Greene's book "The Best Life Diet" - In my perfect world I will always implement this tool before I go get something to eat. First, I'll pause and ask myself how I'm feeling...
10: Stuffed. You are so full you feel nauseous.
9: Very uncomfortably full. You need to loosen your clothes.
8: Uncomfortably full. You feel bloated.
7: Full. A little bit uncomfortable.
6: Perfectly comfortable. You feel satisfied.
5: Comfortable. You're more or less satisfied, but could eat a little more.
4: Slightly uncomfortable. You're just beginning to feel signs of hunger.
3: Uncomfortably hungry. Your stomach is rumbling.
2: Very uncomfortable. You feel irritable and unable to concentrate.
1: Weak and light-headed. Your stomach acid is churning.
The goal is to eat only when you're feeling 1, 2, 3 or 4, but try to avoid 1 and 2 - best to stay in the 3 - 6 zone. But since I'm trying to lose weight, I'll stop at 5, the point at which I'm eating a little less than my body is burning.
Today I was a little stressed and could feel myself craving carbs. Note to self: whatever you crave when you're stressed is the very thing you should not give yourself. Also, pause and do some soul searching, cause when I'm stressed and craving cake or whatever, it would be better to walk away and attack what it really is that is bothering me rather than try to avoid it and find solace in calories. Hence, this morning, I swept up half a box of grape nuts cereal that Sophia poured out all over the floor rather than heading to the pantry. That's an upside down bowl full of cereal at the top of the photo there. Thanks Sophi
Still feeling a little frazzled right now from other messes made through out the day. I'll go have a drink of water and then go clean the house some more - I shall face my stresses with courage rather than hiding from them behind a bowl of ice cream!