Monday, December 3, 2012

400 Cleaning Lunges

I've been slightly off the wagon, but felt decent today and did 400 walking lunges around my bedroom as I picked up clothes/toys/clutter off the ground.  Along with my exercise program falling flat the past few weeks, my house is also a wreck.  Not a pretty combination, hence the "cleaning lunges"

Corey doesn't want to officially announcing anything till Christmas, but I'm gonna say it here with the assumption that people in my family don't read this exercise blog.  If any of you do, I shall announce something in the way Corey gave a teaser to his Mom yesterday, but she's sharp anyway and I think she already knew cause of my appearance and slightly sluggish demeanor which I tried to hid a little, but kinda hard.  Anyway, Corey was talking with Joe about facebook/instagram and we said "we'll give you $1000 when you're 18 if you don't use it", which Joe turned down, Joe said "Mom said $1000 is nothing." - "Well, not for us, but it's a lot for a teenager."  and Corey said "$1000 isn't a lot when you've got 9 kids..." and he gave his mom a little smile and she caught it (we only currently have 8 children).  Anyway, so I said "So can I tell people now?"  "No, not until Christmas."  blah, ok.  (I'm due July 15th)

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