Monday - Bouldering at Millcreek at 6am. Spent most of my time in the OG sector, a little on the south boulder. Did 24 total:
- 1 V4 - attempt on a blue
- 2 V3 attempts: Blue and Yellow
- 1 V3 - was able to do the red V3 on south boulder at the end of my session!
- 6 V2 attempts: purple, green, yellow, lavender, purple, yellow
- 5 V2 sends: purple, white, red, red, purple
- 4 V1s
- 5V0s
Tuesday - 11 am - short walk pulling K in wagon .76 miles, 20 min. Then 5:30 longer walk by myself at Dimple Dell 2.4 miles, 44 minutes. 9pm top rope climbing with Corey 1 hour 23 min, did 7 climbs:
- Black 5.10a
- Blue 5.10b
- Yellow 5.10c
- Red 5.10b
- Green 5.10a
- Yellow 5.10a
- Orange 5.10c in corner, way hard!
Wednesday - Did one of Karin Dimitrovova's flows and some other stretching. I bought her program two years ago, I am putting forth an effort to use it more this month, as I've been noticing a little more how tight I feel today.
Thursday - 20 min of splits stretching. I'm going to get there, I really want to do the splits! Bouldering at Ft. Union after A&L got home from school, was going to try and do a repeat of the boulders I did on Jan 23, a few were gone, I also did a ton on Jan 23 and today I got tired, so I called it good after 36, 21 sent, 15 attempts:
- Light wall: V0 Turquoise light
- V2 green light
- V2 pink light
- V3 green 2attempts (I think I got further? On my 2nd attempt got to 2nd to last hold)
- V4 turquoise attempt
- V1 hot pink attempt
- V2 gold attempt dang! Hard
- Then to the Cave: V0 Purple
- V3 did it!!
- Then West Wall South: Purple V1 attempt 2x
- Purple V0 send
- Pink V2 attempt
- Center Boulder - southwest side: Green V0
- Purple V1
- Red V2 GOT IT! last time was just attempt
- Purple V2 attempt - that’s a weird one
- Purple V0
- Green V1 2x
- West Wall - North to south: Purple V0
- Yellow V1
- Purple V0
- Orange V3 Got it!! Woo
- Yellow V3 attempt needed to go 3 more
- Green V1
- Pink V0
- Purple V0
- Black V2 really big and weird but I got it! (The Blue V1 volcano one is gone)
- Pink V2 attempt couldn’t reach
- Blue V3 got it! = 32 total
- Southeast Center Boulder: Red V3 attempt
- Green V3 attempt
- Center Boulder - north: Green V3 attempt
Friday - 1 hour of stretching.
Saturday - Top rope at Ft. Union. Pic after I finished my last climb - the black on the corner there.
8:30 am - 10:30 am. 9 climbs:
- East wall Yellow 5.10a
- NE corner Green 5.10c
- NW corner Orange 5.10d/Blue 5.11a combo
- South wall pink 5.10b
- NE corner Orange 5.9
- East wall Blue 5.10c
- East wall Red 5.10d
- East wall Blue 5.10d volcano
- Southeast corner Black 5.10c
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