Monday - Climbing with Corey 9:30 - 11:20, we did 8 top rope:
- Orange 5.9 (hard, I think should be a 5.10c)
- Yellow 5.10d impossible (cheated with purple 5.9)
- Red 5.10d some cheats and rests
- Blue 5.10d pretty good! I looked that one better than the red
- Green 5.10c i like this one
- Blue 5.10c and this one
- CT Black 5.10c this one was challenging but good, try fresh next time
- then I went straight to a orange 5.8 right next to it
- Corey purple 5.9
Tuesday - Temple at 5 am, then bouldering at Ft Union Momentum, 18 sends and 7 attempts for a total of 25:
- V0 purple
- V0 purple
- V1 1 purple
- V2 hot pink
- V3 red pathetic attempt
- V3 pink got to top but has to use green too
- V3 pink got it!!!
- V1 Purple
- V0 green
- V0 purple
- Yellow v2
- Orange V1 cheated
- Red V2 attempt
- Green V3 attempt
- Blue V1 volcano woo! I did it!
- Yellow V3 attempt 2x
- People V0
- Green V0
- Yellow V1
- Black V1
- Green V3 attempt
- Yellow V2 attempt
- Purple V0 2x
Wednesday - Just some stretching and handstands because Owen had his trumpet lesson today. And lots of housework.
Thursday - Bouldering after taking Peter and Daniel to a birthday party at Classic Skating. I would have had Abi take them and done a bike ride instead, but it was 29 degrees. Figured I'd like it more if I waited until tomorrow. For bouldering I went to Ft. Union and I took my time and did 40 - 22 sends and 18 attempts:
Light wall
- V0 Turquoise light
- V2 green light
- V2 pink light
- V3 green 2attempts
- V4 turquoise attempt
- V1 hot pink attempt
- V1 hot pink attempt 2x
- V2 gold attempt
Then Cave -
- V0 Purple
- V3 did it!!
- Purple V1 attempt 2x
- Purple V0 send
- Pink V2 attempt
Center Boulder - west side -
- Green V0
- Purple V1
- Red V2 attempt
- Purple V2 attempt
- Red V1
- Green V3 attempt
West Wall - North
- Purple V1
- Blue V1 attempt (volcano one)
- Blue V1 send 2x (got it!)
East Center Boulder
Center south
Light Wall again
- Green V0
- Green V2 attempt
- Lime V1
- Yellow V1
- Green V2 attempt I’m done
- Cave pink V3 got it again
Here is the pink V3 that I can do consistently. First time doing it was on Tuesday. This is the second V3 I've done since the first day back when I did two short V3s (other V3 was dark red one at Millcreek).
Friday - Bike ride up the LCC trail. I made it to the ruins, and took techy and hiked techgnar on my way down. 36 degrees when started, took me 1:22 to get to ruins. I got avalanche hill and the 2nd bridge rocks, and crossed the 2nd bridge (The snow on that small bridge is so hi, it's a little scary, like biking across a fat log.) 30 degrees at ruins, then went around the neighborhood at home, even though I should have hurried home cause K woke up from a bad dream and Sophi called me so K could be comforted, and she cried "The bad guys are gonna kill you!" 12.10 miles, 2 hours 11 minutes.
Saturday - My 500th activity on Strava!
Top rope with Corey at the Ft. Union Momentum for 2 hours.Started at 10:20 am. I did 9, Corey 8. Corey went first each time:
- East top rope - Yellow 5.10a
- East top rope - Blue 5.10c
- East top rope - Red 5.10d
- East top rope - Pink 5.10c
- East top rope - Black 5.10c, then I did orange 5.8 right after while I was still tied in
- South wall - Black 5.10a
- East wall again - Yellow 5.10a
- East wall north corner - Green 5.10c
Finished at 12:20
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