Monday - ride with Corey, 11.17 miles, did technical, 1508 elevation gain. 1 hour 41 min, 14 achievements but that's not helpful to know cause I don't even know where most of those sections are. But I know the techy section, and I got a PR there today (have done that 4 times counting today) Beautiful ride! I took lots of pics
Tuesday - wheel
Wednesday - Ride up canyon by myself. I didn't get off my bike at all on the ride up. I did pause a few times to pick my line, I also paused a few times to re-adjust my wheel and rotate my pedals back, but I did great, proud that I did a few parts that I hadn't been able to do before. Also new low weight after my ride - 148.0, yay! Had a moment with the sun and the trees at Lisa Falls listening to the chorus on "The Way It's Always Been" - made me tear up and my heart full ~
The chorus starts at 2:45 but you really need to start at 2:25 to get the build up. I've always loved that song, esp that part! I also took Grist Mill on the way down, to see if that is doable. It's not quite, yet, for me, but maybe I could get there someday! Took pictures and gathered leaves, it is SO BEAUTIFUL

Thursday - wheel on yoga mat and some sitting stretches after snoring made me not able to sleep.
Friday - Up LCC with techy and Grit, 1555 elevation, 11.48 miles, 1 hour 50 min, 6 achievements, PR of quarry 2nd bridge to top, 2nd and 3rd PRs on few other things