Monday - 40 handstands
Tuesday - Bouldering at Ft. Union with Corey after the temple. He stayed and did some cardio after. I started on the center boulder south side. I did 15 sends and 9 attempts, 24 total:
Center - South then west side/clockwise
Pink v2
Purple V1
Purple V1
Red V1
Pink V2 attempt
North Green V1 2x
Purple V0 2x
Green V3 attempt
West wall
Blue V1
Purple V1
Red V3 attempt
Purple V0
Pink V2 attempt
Purple V1 attempt 2x
Purple V0
Purple V1 attempt 3x
Pink V3 2x
Center - North east corner
Purple V0
Then a winter hike from 3:40- 5:15, Parked on the side of the road at Lisa Falls, walked up to the ruins, then along the river, up techgnar and then up techy, back down to Lisa parking lot. 2.70 miles. I love the mountains.
Wednesday - Left at 4pm for ride from the Ski parking lot up to the ruins, 7.14 miles, 1 hour 25 min. I love to be in the mountains. I didn't wear toe warmers and my toes were freezing, so I guess that means they work!
Thursday - Climbing at Ft Union at 6:10 with Corey, top rope, hurried pretty fast to try and get in 8 climbs. Started on the west wall:
- Pink 5.10a
- Yellow 5.10d
- People 5.9
- Pink 5.11a cheated with purple 5.9
- People 5.10b north side
- Black 5.10d
- Green 5.10c west wall north corner
Friday - Quick walk to the school pulling Katharine. They said Daniel had a fever and to come get him. I didn't have a car, so instead I got in 1.4 miles of brisk walking.
I let K wear my coat. Then around 4 I did a hike and sled down from Lisa Falls. Abi dropped me off up there before going to a friends house, so I didn't have a car, I brought a sled though. I hiked up and walked along Techy, then hiked home. I was able to sled a few times, it was fun, but it wasn't a very good sled. Total 4.97 miles, 1 hour 30 min.
On the Power plant down section, I decided to try head first on my tummy and I pulled and pushed myself with my arms. It was pretty good! Then just a long walk home after that. A lady named Liz saw me in the neighborhood and offered me a ride, after she also saw me on the road 30 min before.
Saturday - Climbing with Corey at Millcreek. Did 9 climbs and then 2 boulders:

- Black 5.10a
- Pink 5.10b should be D used yellow 5.10c too hello
- Blue 5.11a w help of red 5.9 and pink and yellow
- Yellow 5.10a
- Blue 5.10c
- Blue 5.10a
- Green 5.10a
- Orange 5.10c I thought we had tried this one before but I can't find record of it. I thought that last time I went up a little bit, it was too hard, so then I moved left and did the blue 5.8 right next to it. This was our last route today, Corey took lots of breaks. I had lots of time to rest so maybe that's why I was able to get it! I surprised myself! I had to yell and breathe heavy but I was able to do all of it, even get over the buttress! Corey gave me bones, he was impressed too! Then we were done, but he went to the bathroom and since I was feeling confident I tried the red V3 boulder again and I got it!
- Red V3!
- Purple V1