Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Dec 30 - Jan 4

Monday - travel day: drove from Orlando to Ft. Lauderdale

Tuesday - travel day: 2 flights, 3 hour layover in Atlanta, arriving in Las Vegas then spending the night in St. George

Wednesday - Happy New Year! I'm excited for my fitness goals this year. Corey and I are both going to focus on stretching more. I'm also a bit more determined to calisthenics and flexibility. I did my 20 handstands this morning at the St. George room, then 15+ min of stretching, tried to open my chest by laying back over the couch there. We were going to go climbing after we got home, but we unpacked first, then I called at 5:40 to see if they were open. They answered, but said they closed in 20 min at 6. Shoot I guess we should have gone climbing first. Just as well though - I'm feeling pretty sick with a headache, cough, and very sore throat. Well try to focus on getting rest this evening.

Thursday - I think I'll alternate between doing my 20 handstands (might up that number a little each week) and on even days I'll hold a handstand as long as I can. I got 85 seconds today! Climbing with Corey. He did one toprope climb, a 5.9, then he got a phone call, so I went and did boulders for a bit. I finally did the purple V0 that had been alluding me. 8 attempts and today I got it. Total 13 boulders: 
  • 1 V3 attempt
  • 2 V2 sends
  • 3 V2 attempts
  • 2 V1 sends
  • 5 V0 sends
Then he was done, did some toprope. We are both a little sick, so didn't push ourselves too hard. 
  • CT black 5.10a hard and scary - there are sometimes when it's such a far reach!
  • CTC white 5.10a (I thought he was done when he was actually just taking a break and let him down on accident, then I did it, then he tried again and did it)
  • TC 5.10c green - attempt, I took a few rests but couldn't get to the top to finish it
  • TC 5.9 black
Friday - 30 handstands, 15 each leg forward. Done with them after 4 min 28 seconds.

Saturday - Climbing with Mel and Hyrum at the new Momentum on Ft Union. It is a really great facility! Wow, loved it. Had fun. I deleted my note of the climbs I did. But I think it was:
  • 5.8 orange
  • 5.10b yellow, impossible, moved over to a 5.8 purple on the way up
  • then did 5.8 purple
  • black 5.10c - I did it! Took a few breaks
  • Few boulders - not Kaya codes on them, did some V0s, V1s, V2s
  • Finally found a red 5.10a

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Dec 23 - 28

Monday - Climb, walk, and ride. Woke up at 5:20, couldn't fall back asleep, so I went climbing at 5:45. My proudest moment was after I flashed this dark red V3! I was quite impressed with myself!

I did 30 total:
  • 1 V4 attempt
  • 1 red V3 send
  • 4 V2 sends
  • 2 V2 attempts
  • 7 V1 sends
  • 1 V1 attempt
  • 9 V0

I called Nicole on my ride home and then talked to her as I did a short walk - .65 miles. Then ride on the road with Corey up to past the ruins - 10.96 miles, 1 hour 32 min. Then drove to St. George.

Tuesday - Travel day - drove St. George to Las Vegas, flight at 9:50 am out to Atlanta, layover for 1 hour, then flight to Ft. Lauderdale, finally at our hotel at 10 pm Florida time.

Wednesday - Merry Christmas. Drove 3 hours to Orlando. 

Thursday - handstand and headstand

Friday - little bit of stretching, I'm so stiff

Saturday - nada

Monday, December 16, 2024

Dec 16 - 21

Monday - Bouldering at 6am. Did 30:

  • 1 V4 attempt
  • 3 V3 attempts
  • 3 V2 attempts
  • 3 V2 Sends
  • 3 V1 attempts
  • 10 V1 sends
  • 1 V0 attempt - still didn't get that hanging V0 in the OG sector! 
  • 6 V0 sends
20 handstands. I'm getting better! I can easily get up each time, I can hold them pretty long and even for like 3-5 seconds without my feet touching the wall, woot

Tuesday - Ride up LCC on the trail. 11.30 miles, Ruins and Techy. Pretty melted and icy, even though it was 40 degrees at home, 35 on the trail. I took silver bike thinking it would be easier to do the climb (cause I wasn't feeling it) but it was so melted that there were lots of rocks showing and I wished I had my shocks. I took the decent very cautiously but still had a slip and fall, prob cause I didn't have my dropper post. Lesson learned. Take the Fezzari.

Wednesday - handstands and stretching

Thursday - Top rope with Corey, he started first - 
  • Yellow 5.10a
  • Black 5.10a
  • White 5.10b
  • Blue 5.10a (didn't have a QR code)
  • Blue 5.10a
  • White 5.10a
Friday - Half Fishtail - East, 6.24 miles, 38 minutes

Saturday - Climbing, top rope with Corey, we tried some harder stuff today. I'm not recording this the day of, so I'm not sure of the order... 2 attempts and 4 sends:
  • Red 5.10b - Sent it but had to take a break, very crimpy holds!
  • Yellow 5.10a on east buttress - I do remember we did this near the beginning, then we did on the crack wall:
  • Green 5.10c attempt - couldn't do it, but after I was dead from trying I went straight into...
  • Black 5.9 crack wall - then to the step roofs:
  • Green 5.10a
  • Green 5.10c - attempt, then we were both dead 
...and then tried two boulders - that one elusive purple V0 in the OG sector, didn't get it, but did a V1 next to it.

Monday, December 9, 2024

Dec 9 - 14

Monday - 6:20 am Top rope with Corey:

  • CT Hot pink 5.10b
  • CT Purple 5.9
  • TC hot pink 5.8
  • TC Green 5.10a
  • CT black 5.9
Also rode up LCC. 35 degrees when I started at 3:15, 32 when I finished. Just a light dusting of snow on the trail, and there was only one other set of tracks, so I knew that I was the second person on the trail today. 
I'm red riding hood! Riding a bike around the hood. Rode from home to ruins, 11.29 miles, 1 hour 46 min. 

Tuesday - My hands were not tender at all after climbing yesterday, so last night I decided I'd go climbing at the Sandy Momentum at 6am after my 5am temple appt. Followed through with my plan, did 28:
  • 6 V3 attempts
  • 2 V2 attempts
  • 5 V2 Sends
  • 10 V1 sends
  • 5 V0 sends
Hands are tender after that! Good stuff.

Wednesday - Ride with Corey up LCC. Snow/ice was a little slick. We haven't had more snow, so it's been packed down a lot. 
Thursday - Toprope this morning with Corey. He did each climb first and then me. We did 6:
  • Red 5.9 North
  • Blue 5.10a North (this one was hard for me)
  • Yellow 5.10a North (hard too! Took a brief rest half way up the wall)
  • Black 5.10a South (pretty wasted after this, but both felt we could still do an easy one)
  • Pink 5.9
  • Pink 5.8
Then at 4:15 I went on a walk, 2.53 miles, 42 minutes. Set a timer and walked for 20 and then returned, because 40 minutes of walking 3x a week will help my hippocampus!

Friday - Snowing this morning. Went climbing (10 min late cause I had to shovel tire tracks for myself and Corey), did 16 boulders:
  • 1 V2 send
  • 5 V2 attempts
  • 2 V1 sends
  • 4 V0 attempts - that one dang hard one in the OG Sector. I even tried it near the beginning today, when I hoped my fingers would have more strength. I wonder if it was mislabeled? It is hanging and def too hard for a zero.
  • 4 V0 sends
3pm ride on quarry trail, just me. Fresh snow was a little slick, even with a few fat bikes having ridden on it. I went to Techy then back home. Had to HAB for quite a bit of the trail cause of the loose snow. Also lots of hikers on it, so it was kinda bumpy, not smooth like two weeks ago. 39 degrees when I started, 35 when finished. 10.83 miles, 1 hour 55 min.

Saturday - nothing. It's been a while since I did "nothing"! 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Dec 2 - 7

Monday - 20 handstands, 10 each foot forward. I'm doing better at holding it without the wall, and today I also tried to hold it on one hand (left), haha, did it for like .08 of a second

Tuesday - Bike ride to the ruins, techy on the way down. I got 3 ACHIEVEMENTS! I hit everything on techy and tied my PR time at 2:47! AND there was no one on the trail, so I was feeling confident and tried going fast, plus with the snow, it made all the chunky rocks just easy to glide over, and I got a PR on the coalpit area (avalanche hill!) 1:41, Also 3rd place at 3:39 for Fastest section alive (pr was 3:32 on 11/6/23) It was fun! And beautiful. 45 degrees when I started, 40 when I was done, 11.15 miles, 1 hour 40 min. 
Wednesday - Corey got us Momentum memberships on Black Friday last week, so yay! Today was our first day! We went together at 6:30 am and just did bouldering (cause we had to hurry and get back to the kids). Corey is so excited!
The first thing I tried was two V3s on the short slab of the south boulder, and I did both of them! My arms were freaking out but I did them! I did 15 total today:
  • 2 V3s - green and yellow 
  • 2 V2 sends - 
  • 2 V2 attempts
  • 4 V1 sends 
  • 3 V0 sends
  • 1 V0 attempt
That last one, the V0 I didn't send, was in the OG sector on the 45 wall and was a hanging one, I couldn't hold myself on by the end of the session and that's when I knew we were done for today! I'm excited to be back climbing though!

Thursday - Ride up to the ruins after the girls got home from school. Started at 3:19, temp 44 degrees. I SENT EVERYTHING ON THE CLIMB TODAY! for my first time this year (the snow totally helped to make the obstacles easier (esp the 2nd bridge rocks) Oh didn't do the 3rd bridge pipe, but that one is easy. I was glad today I got the rocks after Lisa Falls, the first time I was able to get up that in the snow. AND I sent all of techy (rock gardens were way easy with snow! I got 5 achievements on the decent! A PR on Techy (cool way: 3:01!) and on the whole Quarry Downhill (3.6 miles in 15:03!)
The snow by the bridges looked so cool - ice crystals!
I had a very enjoyable ride.
38 degrees when I got back home. 11.21 miles, 1:35:23, 1519 elevation

Friday - Left at 5:50am this morning by myself. Was at Momentum there from 6:08 - 6:50, did 34:
  • 2 V3s - same one two times, a yellow on the south boulder long slab
  • 6 V2 sends 
  • 3 V2 attempts
  • 12 V1 sends 
  • 1 V1 attempt (last one of the day, a purple (on the 45 wall again))
  • 10 V0 sends
Done at 6:50d am, home at 7:06 

Saturday - ride up LCC to the ruins with Corey. 11.26 miles, 1 hour 40 min, 1523 elevation. 42 degrees when we started at 12:30, 45 when finished. Some stretching.