Monday, July 15, 2024

Jul 15 - 20

Monday - Ride with Corey, LCC Trailhead to Ruins and Techy, 6.86 miles, 1:15:24. I got the 2nd bridge rocks on my 2nd try today, yay, and Lisa Falls on my 1st go. I got both Techy rock gardens on my 2nd attempt. Stretch 15 min, 60 sec handstand

Tuesday - 10 min into this "standing core workout" routine before I got interrupted. Later did 60 romanian deadlifts, 30x 25 lbs, 30x 30 lbs, 2 pull ups in a row, chin ups as I cleaned in the basement for an hour, 15 min stretching

Wednesday - Ride up and down Maple Hollow this morning with Corey and Rob, 9 miles, 1 hour 27 minutes, 6 achievements. Stretched for 45 min today, yay

Thursday - 15 min stretching. Daily motivation: I liked this idea - two meals a day, 15 min of jump rope!

Friday - Rode from home to the ruins with Corey, 11.23 miles, 1 hour 30 min, only did techy 1 on the way down, 30 minutes of stretching. Aaaaand a 90 SECOND HANDSTAND!! Yes, feeling good about that

Saturday - Corner Canyon, up Canyon Hollow and Ghost falls, around to peakview, down rush including the trees. 6.42 miles, 55 minutes. 45 minutes of stretching, 2 pull ups, 2 chin ups, 6 slow let downs

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