Monday, August 19, 2024

Aug 19 - 24

Monday - First day of school for elementary kids, so I stuck close to home to get them up and out. Just went on a morning walk to the church in my flip flops so I could walk barefoot on the grass. So just walked around the chapel on the grass barefoot, plus used a tree to do 20 "round the world" backbends, 10 each way. 1.65 miles, 30 minutes. 

Around noon Corey was going to work at Snowbird so I caught a ride up the canyon, started to do Big Mountain but everything has signs saying it's closed for construction, so then I just came home via Tanners Techy Quarry. 10.49 miles, 1 hour 1 min.

Tuesday - 5 chin ups with jumps this morning, 63 sec handstand, Just Dance with Katharine around 10, then 12 min of planks at 3:30

Wednesday - Clarks and Rush with Corey at 7:22 this morning. 4.41 miles, 39:17 minutes. I missed/skipped dinner last night, so I was kind of dying, so maybe my resolve was weak from lack of food so I got off and walked near the top, Corey is nice to always wait for me.  

Thursday -  From home took canyon road to Lisa, then up to Techy, quarry down. 10.63 miles, 1 hour 21 minutes. I hit all of techy and got a PR on it - 2:46! First time I've gotten under 3 minutes.  

Friday - Morning walk delivering thank you notes for Bella. 2.25 miles, 39 minutes. Pull ups and stretching.

Saturday - Morning ride from Guardsman to Skyline. My strava cut out for the first 1/4 of the ride for some reason, so we'll use Corey's stats: 22.57 miles, 2 hour 22 min (someone in our group had his chain break twice). 14 achievements - PR for Scotty's Connector 1 mile 5:49. Would have been a longest ride for me, but my strava says it's my 2nd longest. Few chin ups and stretching

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