Monday, August 12, 2024

Aug 12 - 17

Monday - Corey's bike still in the shop. I drove up LCC and did 4 laps on techy. 3 miles, 38 min moving time. I got Lisa every time, and all of techy 3 times! On my first lap, there was a downed tree across the path, so I spent like 25 minutes gathering rocks to try and make a feature up over the log. It works ok, only it was on a corner, so makes it a sharp turn after you get over, not sure how much I like it, maybe someone will come along with a saw to move the tree... Got a silver on the cool way loop: .77 in 7:30

Tuesday - Corey's bike is back, they loaned him a new shock until his gets repaired. We left at 7:25 am for a ride, he went to ruins, I just went to techy so I could get back so Mel could go to the temple at 9. 10.78 miles, 1 hour 22 min. Kyle Oswald gave me kudos and a comment "You are really killing it Tiff! Way to go!!" :)

Wednesday - 8 am drive up the canyon to Lisa Falls, dirt was loose and soft after yesterday's rain, but it smelled soo lovely! Did 2 loops on Techy, up to ruins, techy 2 more times and up to ruins again, total 2 Ruins and 5 techy. 4.85 miles, 1 hour 2 min. Moved a few more rocks around my new log feature. Might come saw it though, the corner it's at is a bit too sharp. After got home, I raked in the backyard for 4 hours, I made a mountain biking loop for the boys! I think it's gonna be good!

Thursday - 2 pull ups. I noticed a saddle sore yesterday, so taking a few days off the bike I guess...

Friday - 2 pull ups, raking in back yard barefoot, 63 sec handstand

Saturday - Ride early with Corey before we had an 8am church cleaning assignment. He went to ruins, I turned around for home at the 3rd bridge, mainly cause my saddle sore was bothering me. A handstand against the wall, some push ups and pull ups.

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