Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Sept 5 - 10 (37 weeks)

37 weeks - long as swiss chard

Monday - 37 weeks today. Happy Labor day, I wish I was in labor. Did 12 minutes of planks early this morning. Tonight finished off lower body with 60 reps of calf raises with two 30 lb dumbbells, 60 reps of deadlifts also with two 30 lbs.
Tuesday - 3 miles on the treadmill and finished up Lower body. Did 1.5 miles in 23:43, then went to wake up kids and did my quads as I made sure they got out of bed: static two stair climbs for 36 reps, then alternated 48 times up the stairs to finish off 24 reps for each leg. Then finished another 1.5 miles - total time: 45:45. The only bad thing about not being able to go fast is after 35 minutes I'm thinking I could have been done if I'd jogged. I did do a 12 minute pace (5mph) a little bit during it, but feeling pretty tight in my tummy, been having some contractions now and then.
Wednesday - got up early and finished upper body at 6:45.
bicep side curls - BFL 12, 12, 15, 20, 15, 15
back - reverse pull ups 60 reps
triceps - lying extensions with 2/15 lbs, 60 reps
chest - 60 push ups, progressively from knees fast to toes slow
shoulders - side and front raises with 2/8 lbs, 60 reps
Thursday - Owen woke up at 4 and was on and off again in his alertness. Needless to say it messed up my morning workout. aka it didn't happen. I tried to walk on the treadmill during the day when they were all awake. Had two minor interruptions plus had to change 2 poopy diapers in the first half mile. Next .75 were event free. Last .25 were near impossible and that's when I gave up on cardio. So 1.5 miles, then I thought I'd do some lower body instead. Was trying to do calf raises, Owen came over, lost his balance, hit his eye on the 25 pound weight, and that's when I officially gave up on all of it. Corey's flight arrives today at 2:15, yay! I'm feeling today like how I probably should have felt everyday he was gone, glad it wasn't like this every day.
Friday - I didn't workout today!!! I didn't get it done in the morning, tried when Owen went down for a nap, but after I got dressed he woke up so, remembering how it went yesterday with him tagging along, I gave up. It's the first time I haven't done anything since June 7th at 24 weeks. Not bad for a pregnant lady. Weighed myself tonight - 186. Looks like the cake from two birthdays this past week caught up with me.
Saturday -  I don't feel like working out anymore. Weight this morning 184.0. I'm feeling super pregnant, am having little contractions all the day, find myself wincing, looks like my pregnancy as superwoman "I even go jogging" is over. I did do 5 minutes of planks - 1 minute center, 30 secs on each side with a hand plank, then 1 min center again, side hand planks again, and one more center plank. So just 5 minutes, but it was something, and something is better than nothing. I'll try to do a little something every day next week and then on the 19th hopefully I'll be off to the hospital! One more week!!!!!!

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