Monday, October 14, 2024

Oct 14 - 19

Monday - Walk from my parents house to our home. 4.5 miles, 1 hour 20 minutes, almost 10k steps!

Tuesday - 

Wednesday - 

Thursday - 

Friday - 

Saturday -

Monday, October 7, 2024

Oct 7 - 12

Monday - 10am 4 mile walk with Katharine in a stroller. 1 hour 18 min.

Tuesday - 10 am 3.82 mile walk to park and back home with K in backpack, didn't love it. Took a few passes on the monkey bars at the park to help my shoulders recover! 
Then 6pm hike up the Y for the lighting of the Y for homecoming, carried K half of the way up, all the way down, 2.34 miles, 42 min to get up 1.17 miles, 35 min walk down, all the kids did super great.

Wednesday - Feeling sore from yesterday, so just a walk today - 5:50 went on the quarry trail, from Grit Mill to the end of techy and back, left too late so was in the dark, I'll remember a flashlight for next time. 4.84 miles 1 hour 41 minutes

Thursday - ALSN don't have school, so left K with them and went on a ride in CC, 9am - My thighs are still toast from Tuesday night so kinda let myself just take it easy. Did Ann's and Rush, 6.10 miles, 52 min. Only one achievement - Bronze on boosting corners at 49 seconds (PR 48 seconds) Most of my times are within seconds of each my PRs, so I think I'm pretty consistent with my speed on a lot of the segments.

Then PM walk when Corey took boys on a ride, I was their shuttle driver, dropped them off at Carolina Hills, went to Cycle park to park, then walked up to see where I'd meet them. 1.3 miles in 25 minutes. Then they kept going along Porter Rockwell trail, I walked back to car, parked at Draper City Park, walked until I met them again..47 miles that time, 8 minutes. 

Then 8:15 pm walk around the block 3x via inner sidewalk (walked barefoot) 1.17 miles in 24 minutes

Friday - Man, I'm still sore from Tuesday night. Cause I was carrying K in the backpack? I guess an extra 30 lbs could do that to me. Ride with Corey from Trailhead to Ruins, Abi got the boys out the door, so that was nice. We were the first and only car in the parking lot when we started at 7, sunrise at 7:34. 6.67 miles, 1 hour 11 min

Saturday - Ride on Pipeline with CMNOPK. Kids were a bit mopey (N&O - they wanted to go to grandpas to watch the BYU game). 2.4 miles, 38 minutes. 

While Corey was at Wayne's, I drove up to Park City for a ride up Armstrong, HAM, and down Seldom Seen. 7.47 miles in 1 hour 13 min, it was beautiful (still some yellows), I listened to General Conference on the climb, tunes on the descent. 

11pm - just did 3 chin ups, starting from a dead hang, and doing all of them from a total hang! I did 3! I didn't know I still had that in me! I've kept my upper body strength from climbing better this time than I did last year after our summer break. Excited to start climbing again, hopefully in a few weeks!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Sept 30 - Oct 5

Monday - Loving the autumn colors. Didn't have violin today, so took a long ride in Corner Canyon - 15.91 miles, 2 hours 23 min. BST > Ann's West > Maple Hollow > Vertigo > Eagle Crest > Rush

Tuesday - 4pm ride before my emotional resilience class at 6, went from home to Techy, did Techy 2x, then back home. 11.52 miles in 1 hour 37 min. 

Wednesday - 10:30 am ride with Corey and Katharine (on the shotgun seat) to Corner Canyon. 

We did Canyon Hollow, then I did Rush (Rush end 2x) while Corey took K to Ghost Falls. 6.54 miles, Stopping for a drink.
I rode with her for a bit and it was hard! I have to have my seat high to see over her, but then I feel like I might tip over, but I gotta pedal fast to make it up the hill. I thought Canyon Hollow would be fairly easy with her but it was hard. So not going to be able to do that tomorrow with Camilla, maybe we'll go on a hike. At home did 60 second handstand and one pull up

Thursday - Ride with Camilla in Corner Canyon, she rode my bike and I was on the silver bike, which was easier to climb in, but could not go fast on the decent, which was ok cause it was Camilla's first time so she was being cautious. 8.94 in 1 hour 34 min. We went up to Potato Hill, explored a bit in Little Valley, then Ann's east, Ghost Falls, and 2nd half of Rush down. Ann's is open, today was the first day, yay! So we didn't have to go up Edelweiss, yahoo. 

Friday - Solo 4pm ride up to the Ruins before date night (Corey was with Lily at a band thing until 6:30), also took a little detour to the double track on the way home. Total 13.96 miles, 2 hour 4 min. 

Saturday - CC this morning with Corey. Started Coyote Hollow, up BST to Ann's/Potato Hill, then Ann's East, Rush down. Total 6.14 miles, 54 minutes

Monday, September 23, 2024

Sept 23 - 28

Monday - Ride up LCC after violin (at violin right now, so that's the plan) Grounding - check, 25 min raking in the back yard and planting starter pines in a little garden. Stretching - still need to do. Want to get back in the habit of doing it every day for 15 minutes. Actually I'm going to try and stretch for a few min while we're still here at violin...

Tuesday - I bailed out tonight on a class I volunteered to take - an emotional resilience class. I bailed out cause I wanted to go on a ride instead, and today the discussion was on stress and anxiety, and I was FEELING stress and anxiety, and knew the best thing for me would be to go on a ride, so that's what I did. Corey left before me, I saw him on his way down, at the top of avalanche hill. He turned around and went back up with me again from there, so he got in 14.61 miles. I haven't gone to the ruins from home since Aug 27th, so it had been a while. 11.38 miles for me, 1 hour 34 minutes. The techy log was cut and moved last week, but Corey and I put it back today. :) Corey getting the rocks read, then I lifted and walked the log around back to the pile of rocks. 

Wednesday - Hike from Orson Smith Trailhead with NODP, left a little too late, I didn't know how long this hike would be cause it was my first time doing it, nor how slow kids are, but I did have a hunch about that. Kids did great though. It was dark when we got back to the car but we made it without a flashlight. 2.37 miles, 1 hour 9 min, started 6:47pm (sunsest 7:17)

Thursday - As soon as Natalie was home from school, I left for Park City for a ride. The mountains are calling me. It was great, Strava didn't work though. I started at 4:30, and was back at the car right at sunset at 7:15. Went up Armstrong, HAM, then up to Midmountain, took midmountain north until I got to Ironman, then turned around and came back. Fun to explore. 

Friday - nada. In a real funk today, really wanted to be in the mountains, but had elementary kids home from school today, violin group class at 4, a neighborhood gathering at 6

Saturday - Ride in PC with Corey at 10am (very late start) Armstrong, HAM, Seldom Seen. 9 achievements. PR on Seldom (1.79 mi in 9:01), Lower Spiro, Seldom Flow, Silvers on Armstrong Rock it (.19 2:12) and HAM (.84 in 5:28) HAM down (.48 in 2:55) HAM Spiro Selcom 2.7 in 14:20. 

Hike to Lisa Falls tonight carrying K on my back. She's cute.

Monday, September 16, 2024

Sept 16 - 21

Monday - took the day off to let my saddle sore heal. Corey took the bikes in to be fixed, mine was super noisy

Tuesday - raining, 20 handstands, pulls ups as I cleaned the basement for a few hours, not sure how many I did. 

Wednesday - Silver bike back, so I took a quick ride up LCC, from trailhead to techy, after I got home from Trumpet with Owen. 6.24 miles, 1 hour 2 min. Not having shocks is not fun, but I did get 3 PRs on the climb! 
  • LCC trail climb to 2nd bridge 1.85 miles in 23:13 (115 efforts, a few of my previous times: 9/11 26:03, 9/9 28:19, 8/27 28:25, 8/26 27:03, 8/17 25:51. 8/13 27:27, 8/5 27:04)
  • Little C to 1st bridge .98 in 9.55 (127 efforts, a few of my previous times: 9/11 11:54, 9/9 13:20, 8/27 13:58. 8/26 12:08, 8/17 12:21, 8/13 12:51, 8/5 12:29) 
  • Temple Quarry to Mushroomland 2.71 miles in 35:31 (95 efforts, previous times: 9/11 41:00, 9/9 41:08, 8/27 44:18, 8/26 41:24, 8/13 40:35, 8/5 42:57, 7/24 39:52) 
Which I think all give evidence that my aluminum frame is very heavy. I was way slower on the way down cause not having shocks will do that on such a rocky trail. Aaaand, it was my 400th activity on Strava, woot!
Thursday - morning walk to sunrise point, 2.34 miles, 42 min, walked there with nothing, then on the way back picked up a prob 10 lb rock and balanced that on my head like a jug of water, working on posture.

Friday - The girls didn't have school today, so Corey and I took the morning off and drove up BCC to Park City. We went to the Midmountain trailhead and took that east to the end of the trail, then went back and HAB's up a service road to take a Deer Valley trail - Holy Roller and Naildriver down. We think the boys would really like it, going to maybe get a lift pass for one day next year at Park City, that would be fun. So just exploring around a bit today. 1 hour 47 min, 10.43 miles, 1575 elevation gain, 

Saturday - Sunset ride in CC - I was watching the time 3 hours before sunset cause I wanted to get a ride in, but time was ticking by and THEN Corey wanted to take the kids, and that slowed us down, so we were barely leaving home at 6:30, got to Peakview at 6:50 and dropped off Corey Natalie Owen and Daniel, then I drove down to Coyote Trailhead (took 10 min) and was on the trail at 7:03 and the race between me and daylight was on - Sunset was at 7:25. I watched the sunlight line move up the mountain as I rode up. I made it to the top of Clarks pretty fast - 2nd best out of 8 efforts with a time of 16:33 (PR 16:10) I think I would have beat or tied my PR if I hadn't stopped to take one picture of the leaves. 
Got 3 achievements on the climb, 4 on the descent. I got silver on Rush Tom Sawyer (.44 in 1:57) 3rd best for Sustained Speed 1:07 (PR 1:05) 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Sept 9 - 14

Monday - Up at the crack of dawn for a ride. I left while Corey was still in bed, cause I wanted to get back to get kids off to school. From home to Techy and back. 10.87 miles, 1 hour 29 min. I met Corey coming up with Katharine and took her from him during the "Power plant down" segment so he could finish his ride kid-free. She's so cute. 

Left at 6:30, back at 8. Sunrise at 7:03. Almost never get achievements, but we've done this ride so many times that that's expected. 

Tuesday - Morning RUN. I walked just a little bit, I tried to keep jogging the whole time and did pretty good! Set a PR in the 2 mile. 3 chin ups

Wednesday - Quarry ride with Corey, from trailhead to Techy. 6.26 miles, 59:53 min, yay got it under an hour! Got 3 achievements too! A Gold PR on Power plant down - .73 miles in 1:54. Silver for Coalpit Area .53 in 1:44, and 3rd for Fastest section alive - 1.04 miles in 3:40. Also 15 min stretching in the evening. AND I got up the 2nd bridge rocks! I went on the left side, not the right, I was glad I got it today!

Thursday - 20 kickup handstands, 10 each left leg and right leg forward. Then went to temple at 2, and took a ride in Corner Canyon after that. 6.37 miles, 53min. Went up Canyon Hollow to the service road, then to Peakview and Rush +the trees down. 15 achievements, Silver on RUSH 1:34, Rush Speed Vroom Brr 1:36, Gold Full Lower Rush DH 1.94 miles 9:04

Friday - 3 pull ups, hold, and some handstands

Saturday - afternoon ride to Corner Canyon with Corey, Owen and Katharine. We parked at Peakview, the plan was for them to take Canyon Hollow down, and I'd go down Rush then bike back up to Peakview to get the car and meet them at the bottom. It worked according to plan. So for me it was 4.39 miles, 40 minutes, 8 achievements - 4 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze

Monday, September 2, 2024

Sept 2 - 7

Monday - Rode the WOW trail in Midway. 20.21 miles, 2890 feet, 3 HOURS and 32 minutes IN THE SUN. I wasn't expecting the parking to be $10. Next time we'll go to Park City. But I'm glad we did this and checked it off. We started waaaay too late though - 10:30 by the time we were on the trail. I was dying in my long sleeved BLACK shirt. We didn't bring enough water for the 2+ hour climb. Still trying to smile though. Took a BeReal.

Corey's wearing a shirt his sister got for him, kinda goofy. I was thinking about water for most of the climb. We brought 3 small bottles but it was not enough for such a long climb in the sun. I missed the Little Cottonwood creek - if we were by there I could pause and get a drink, or I'd have been in shade and wouldn't be suffering like I was! I was praying to come across a stream. We came across a plastic water bottle that had a hole it in but was mostly full, I gratefully drank it and was able to continue on. Up near the top (2485 meters) we did come across a little cool stream and I drank and drank. Hooray for living water! (and hopefully we don't get giardia...) It was a matter of life and death, er... extreme thirst and dehydration. 

Tuesday - 3 chin ups

Wednesday - Morning walk, 3.24 miles, 56 minutes. 1.5 passes on the monkey bars. My palms can't take it. 
3PM - drove up LCC for a quick ride before taking O to trumpet - Grit Mill to Techy and back, 5.27 miles, 49 minutes, 2 achievements: 2nd place for Up Mile 2 - 1.01 miles 14:12, 3rd for LCC Road climb, .79 miles in 8:42 (PR was 8:21 11/17/23)

Thursday - lots of yardwork. Not doing good with stretching. 

Friday - Corner Canyon with Corey. Anns > Edelweiss > Rush, 7.20 miles, 58 min. Hyrum took carpool for me and got the kids off to school. So that is the good news: Hyrum making is possible for us to even could take a ride. The Bad news: He called right when I was coming down the funnest part of Rush and ruined my soundtrack and I had to stop to answer his call cause for some reason my headphones don't work for phone calls. So with that interruption my music was ruined and I only got 4 achievements cause I had to stop. It's ok, without his help I wouldn't have even been able to go. 

Saturday - Ride in Corner Canyon with Corey, Canyon Hollow > Brocks > Rush. 5.63 miles, 48 minues, 13 achievements - PR on Sustained Speed, Brocks and Rush. I learned that on Strava, the part I call "Mario Kart" is called Rush. Got a PR on that today - .38 in 1:34. I also learned today that the segment right after Mario Kart is called "Rush SPEED VROOOOOM BRRRRRRR" and I got a PR on that too, .42 in 1:34. I was bookin' it and had a big smile, that was really fun. Then lots of yard work, bulk clean up on Monday