Monday - Happy Anniversary. Peter's been sick and Corey feels a little sick too, so the two of them have been quarantined in our room today. I left to go climbing at 12:30pm. I invited Lily but she didn't take me up on it. I miss Wes! I did 17:
- 2 V3 attempts - red hanging one in OG, Yellow one on east side of OG boulder
- 2 V3 sends - the purple hanging one! I got it today no problem on the first try, then did the V2 of it right after, then did it again. Tried a 3rd time and didn't get it. The green V3 was gone today - they were putting new climbs on that wall. I hope there's a new V3 I can get.
- 6 V2s, one was a green one on the OG south wall that I'd tried once before, got it today!
- 5 V1s
- 2 V0s
Then went on a walk to finish delivering the last 8 shower invitations, then walk to sunrise point. On my walk home from the stake center I was balancing a rock on my head. That made me walk with good posture! 3.37 miles in 1:06
Tuesday - nothing. In a real funk today, didn't even want to stretch
Wednesday - Bouldering after taking carpool. Did 20:
- 1 V3 attempt - Hot pink one in OG. I think I can do it if I start fresh next time!
- 2 V3 sends - the purple hanging one again - got it first try np, AND did it again at the very end and was able to do it!
- 7 V2s, one was an orange one on the south boulder that I hadn't been able to do - got it first try today
- 3 V2 attempts - purple jump one twice in OG, it's the last V2 I need to do in that section, and a green one on the south boulder. I think the green one is not possible for short people.
- 7 V1s - some were new ones that I just hadn't seen or tried before, flashed them all
Then perhaps to make up for yesterday, I also went on an evening bike ride. Took the opportunity cause the sky was half clear and it looked nice outside. I just biked up the canyon road. Was 41 degrees, and it got colder as I got further up the canyon. It was wet. Not raining, just went from snow melting. The wet ground wasn't a problem on the slow climb up the canyon, but it did make it hard to see on the fast ride down, when the water and the salt from the snow melt that covered the roads sprayed all over my face from my tires turning quickly around. It gave me lots of dirty freckles!
Note to self for next time: wear glasses if you want to be able to see!
Thursday - I usually don't boulder two days in a row, but thought I'd try today and then when I go Saturday I'll have had enough rest. I tried to only do V2s, but did one V1 as a cool down. Total 20:
- 5 V3 attempts - just trying different ones - 2green & a black on north boulder, and hot pink from yesterday (I do think I can get that one if I start fresh, but didn't start it fresh today)
- 1 V3 send - did the purple hanging one at the end of the session, woot!
- 9 V2 sends - orange one on north boulder twice
- 1 V1 send - as cooldown
Friday - Did 40 divebombers with the goal to beat my 2012 time. I didn't see what it was before I started, did first 10 in 37 seconds, then next 10 up until 1:19, then paused to see how I did it last time (timed each set of 10 separately? or let the clock keep going?) I think I left the clock going. But I saw I was crushing my 2012 times! 2012 I did 10 - 0:57, then to 20 - 2:59, then to 30 - 4:48, Finished 40 - 7:54. Today was:
- First 10 - 37 seconds
- up to 20 - 1:19 - took a 1 min pause to look at 2012 times...
- 30 finished in 39 seconds to make total time 2:58
- Last 10 took me 1.37, total time 4:35!!!
Awesome! I guess that's what bouldering will do for your upper body strength! Tried to do a handstand later but could only hold it for 40 seconds. Did a 1 min headstand.
Saturday - Corey and I almost went on a bike ride, but then I got a flat tire on the van and had to take that in and so the ride fell out of the day's plans. But we did go climbing at Momentum with the kids, which is good cause we've been paying for a family pass but not having the family use it. Maybe we'll change to just a couple's pass. I do want to keep climbing in the spring and summer, fingers crossed we can work it into the budget. I didn't climb much tonight with the kids there - Sophi and I did a little bit of bouldering, but then she looked bored so I took her over to do top rope and then I belayed for 40 minutes. We took two cars, so when Corey left with the kids, I stayed and bouldered a little bit longer. Total for tonight was 22:
- 7 V3 attempts - got a little closer on the hot pink one on the 45 wall, tried one on the 40 wall too, and a green on the north boulder
- 5 V3 send - the purple hanging one over and over
- 6 V2 sends - orange one on north boulder twice
- 3 V1 sends
- 1 V0